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  Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus订 Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs   Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche,


  Sagittarius射手座(11/23~12/21)     1.Sagittarius[ˌsædʒI`tZrIəs; ˌsædʒiˋtZəriəs]   英文简写:Sgr   2.Archer['ɑ:tʃə; 'ɑrtʃɚ]   【天】(大写)人马座[the S],


  很久1344很久以前?玉帝为了给人间定时间给人类归属、决定在人间选拔十二种动物作属相、于是,凡间各动物们展开了一场争夺“生肖王”的比赛……   因此群兽大会当天,老鼠早所兽年排行大接着牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡和狗猪才因此十二年兽排行. 故事另外章讲述猫鼠何成仇人当时猫和鼠原好朋友赴群众大会前们起睡并约好谁先醒叫醒谁. 岂知老鼠第二天起得早竟静悄悄地独自赴会理会猫等猫醒来赶赴大会时佛陀已经十二年号分配好了猫和鼠便从此结下深仇. 当传说归传说民俗学者郭立诚氏看法则较获得历史记载应证人们了便于记住天干地支名岁而代表十二辰动物来称呼们,、


  招财进宝_百度汉语 [读音][zhāo cái jìn bǎo] [解释]招引进财气、财宝, [出处]元·刘唐卿《降桑椹》:“0780招财进宝臻佳瑞,合家无虑保安存。” [例句]许多乡村延聘农业科技人员,把3291这当作~的好办法! [近义]发财致富 [反义]招灾惹!


  cinquain五行诗英语五行诗:第一行由一个名词组成。第二行由两个形容词组成、第三行由三个动词组成。第四行1085由四个单词组成。第五行由一个名词组成!如:BrotherBeautiful,athleticTeasing,shouting,laughingFriend and enemy tooMine、


  Destiny fate天秤座英语简写!


  白羊座Aries   金牛座Taurus    双子座Gemini   巨蟹座Cancer   狮子座Leo   处女座Virgo   天平座Libra   天蝎座Scorpio   人马座Sagittarius   魔羯座Capricorn   水瓶座Aquarius   双鱼座Pisces。


  星座: Constellation   白羊座 Aries: [ 'ɛəri:z ]   金牛座 Taurus: [ 'tɔ:rəs ]   双子座 Gemini: [ 'dʒeminai ]   巨蟹座 Cancer: [ '绩ænsə ]   狮子座 Leo: [ 'li(:)əu ]   处女座 Virgo: [ 'və:gəu ]   天秤座 Libra: [ 'librə ]   天蝎座 Scorpio: [ 'skɔ:piəu ]   射手座 Sagittarius: [ ,sædʒi'tɛəriəs ]   摩羯座 Capricornus: [ ,kæpri'kɔ:nəs ]   水瓶座 Aquarius: [ ə'kweriəs ]   双鱼座 Pisces: [ 'pisi:z ],


  The Wu Xing,also known as the Five Phases,the Five Agents,the Five Movements,and the Five Steps/Stages,are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,in many traditional Chinese fields.   It is sometimes translated as Five Elements,but the Wu Xing are chiefly an ancient mnemonic device,hence the preferred translation of "movements","phases" or "steps" over "elements".By the same token,Mu is thought of as "Tree" rather than "Wood".   The five elements are:   Wood (Chinese:木,pinyin:mù)   Fire (Chinese:火,pinyin:huǒ)   Earth (Chinese:土,pinyin:tǔ)   Metal (Chinese:金,pinyin:jīn)   Water (Chinese:水,pinyin:shuǐ)   The system of five phases was used for describing interactions and relationships between phenomena.It was employed as a device in many fields of early Chinese thought,including seemingly disparate fields such as geomancy or Feng shui,astrology,traditional Chinese medicine,music,military strategy and martial arts.!


  Because I want to change my destiny,

