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  白羊座女性最适合的英文名字:Malcolm 。Joan、Niki。Betty,Linda,Whitney、Lily金牛座男性最适合的英文名字:Fred!Gary,William。Charles。Michael、Karl金牛座女性最适合的英文名字:Barbara,Elizabeth、Helen。Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana!Fiona双子座男性最适合的英文名字:Bob!John!Thomas、Dean!Paul。Jack。Brooke双子座女性最适合的英文名字:Judy,Doris、Rudy。Amanda!Shirley。Joan!Tracy巨蟹座男性最适合的英文名字:Kevin。Louis!John。George。Henry!Benjamin巨蟹座女性最适合的英文名字:Melody?Helen,Debbie。Lisa,Yvonne狮子座男性最适合的英文名字:Robert、Carl,Scott、Tom。Eddy,Kris、Peter狮子座女性最适合的英文名字:Shelly。Mary,Dolly、Nancy、Jane!Barbara处女座男性最适合的英文名字:Johnson,Bruce、Robert。Peter。Bill!Joseph!John处女座女性最适合的英文名字:Shirley!Emily!Sophia!Vivian、Lillian、Joy天秤座男性最适合的英文名字:Burt。Charlie。Elliot!George!Johnson天秤座女性最适合的英文名字:Ross。Julie、Gloria,Carol天蝎座男性最适合的英文名字:Richard!James,Charles! Bruce。David天蝎座女性最适合的英文名字:Taylor!Wendy!Grace。Vivian,Caroline。Samantha射手座男性最适合的英文名字:Nick!Walt。John!Mark!Sam!Davis、Neil、Carl! Lewis。Billy射手座女性最9978适合的英文名字:Maria。Kate!Demi,Sunny。Wendy摩羯座男性4970最适合的英文名字:Richard?Howard Allen,Johnny、Robert。Martin。Jeff摩羯座女性最适合5229的英文名字:Ava,Christina、Judy,Susan、Grace,Alice水瓶座,

英汉翻译 请问(天蝎信徒)英文怎么写? 是作为网名用的 可以列举多个答案

  Scorpio adherent 可以的   另外 Scorpio believer 也可以、!


  星座中的双子是Gemini ['djeminai]?


  十二星座英语名称(Zodiac)   白羊座3.21-4.19 ----Aries   金牛座4.20-5.20----- Taurus   双子座5.21-6.21----- Gemini   巨蟹座6.22-7.22 ----Cancer   狮子座7.23-8.22---- Leo   处女座8.23-9.22 ----Virgo   天秤座9.23-10.23 -----Libra    天蝎座10.24-11.21 ----Scorpio   人马座11.22-12.20---- Sagittarius   山羊座12.21-1.20----- Capricorn   水瓶座1.21-2.19----- Aquarius   双鱼座 2.20-3.20 ------Pisces   双子座: Gemini   名字来源是希腊神话.?



关于12生肖的来源 我要英文的

  It is said Buddha (the ultimate Emperor for the whole universe in Chinese legend) once called together all the animals on the earth for an important meeting. Only twelve animals turned up: the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the dragon, the snake, the horse, the sheep, the monkey, the rooster, the dog and the pig. The rat, being the smartest, jumped on top of the ox to be the first one to arrive.     As a reward, the Buddha gave each animal a year in the cycle and declared that anyone born in that year would resemble the animal in some way. In addition, each two hours of the day is also governed by one animal. The hours of 11pm to 1:00 am is by Rat, from 1 am to 3 am by Ox and so on. Six elements of the planet: wood, fire, air, water, gold and earth are also integrated into the animalZodiacsigns、   希望你能喜欢并且学会。共享、


aquarius 天蝎翻译成英文怎么写?


  英文,leo   韩文。사자자리     阿拉伯语。   الأسد   俄语!ЛЛео     日语?   しし座     泰文!   สิงห์     希腊语。   Ο λίο、


  The Chinese zodiac is any of the twelve animals, representing the twelve Earthly Branches,   used to symbolize the year in which a person is born. They are Rat, Bull, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Chicken, Dog、Pig. You see, in the Chinese zodiac, the year 2012 is the year of the Dragon.、

"谁的命运,谁来决定" 谁能翻译成英语 求解!!

  "谁的命运、谁来决定"     One's fate decides by oneself.     希望回答应帮到你、。

