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川子手相的 是什么意思

  川字纹手相的全面解析     有川字纹的性格:   拥有这种手纹的人,独立性比较强、独来独往显得有点孤僻。太过于倔强常会在处事上面得罪影响人际关系。但也不一定全都是坏处、这种性格的人面对着极大困难和痛苦都会通过个人的力量去解决或承担、较好强不愿意受到束缚。     川字掌之人的爱情:   川字掌之人不分男女!都是精明能干的人、胆子大较冲动!也容易感情用事,做事情常常不计后果!最好改7599变下性格、多听听别人给予的建议。不要一意孤行。能够增加与亲朋好友的缘分,婚后夫妻也要常常交换意见,否则容易产生口角。甚至离异,拥有“川字纹”手相的女性不一定不利于婚姻!只能够说这种女性比较缺少情趣,但是对另一半也是呵护备至,只不过这种关怀容易隐藏在内心深处。不轻易表露出来,不容易让人察觉。建议:川字纹的女性不利于早婚,晚婚的会更适合他们!另外交往的对象也要年龄稍大些更显得成熟理智些,这样的感情才能够细水长流!     川字掌之人的事业:   川字纹的人属于职业性的人!他们有很强的能力。期待通过工作来表达出自己的能力、1544于是便会不停的工作,有时候因为他过于看重事业而忽略了家庭,如此难免会给婚姻生活增添压力。但是一般来说、川字纹是幸运的标志。也是成功的标志,女人有川字纹通常比较旺夫,     希望对你有帮助!、






  双手耕地------------猜生肖   *   牛-----------用手都可以耕地------------”牛“啊、   *   鼠-----------鼠是可以用两只“前爪”刨地的-----------前爪!鼠手也!、






  答案是猴 人猴申猴属相的人具有强烈的进取心。他们从小就爱好读书。他们将聪明智慧首先倾注在学业上。他们不甘落后,总希望学习成绩优秀!因而勤学好问、博闻强识!但有时不求甚解,不够细致专心、经过刻苦努力!能够成材。!


  This is a true story. However, in order to respect the wishes of the text in the main character, the per capita for all of the alias.   It is about 1984, that year's college entrance examination, but a small fraction Chow is just taking the line that time, not as a result of the promotion of "education industry", University of Health do not accept at their own expense (but that there is a trick at their own expense, students can not read small Zou), but to acknowledge the reality of small Zou: failed. Small Zou grew up in rural areas from an early age, childhood, his group (now referred to as the "village" - the author note) to a group of mountains of the educated youth to the countryside, the village closed to bring the outside information, he likes and Flying Chat youth pull from that, "the outside world really exciting." The late seventies, educated youth are gradually返城, he remembered a friend of a youth sentence for his farewell message, "for university, university whether it is to wear shoes to wear straw sandals and a watershed" . So he studied hard, in order to change the destiny. However, fate did not favor him, the unsatisfactory results of college entrance examination, he cried after the father to work in the fields of labor.   Here I must mention the class of small Zou high teacher. High the teacher is a mountainous commune in northern Fujian (now referred to as the "Township") of secondary school teachers, teaching in the mountains for many years and has rich experience in teaching. With high teacher observation of small Zou, he keenly felt and small Zou is a potential and future students: study hard for continuous improvement. The success of this test may be unable to test in the examination room with his poor play on the spot, and if so to give up the pursuit and return to rural farmers, then pity. Thus specialized high teacher Zou visited the small home, with small Chow, made it clear that the parents are willing to let free of charge to schools to small Zou, "melted down" to learn in his classes, his personal counseling for university tomorrow. In this way, the small commune of Zou and again to the secondary schools, began a critical study of life.   Zou in small schools, the teachers room and board in high-home, daytime classes, evening, marking the high student teacher in the operation after the tutorial for small Zou. There is also a daughter of high teachers, but also the teacher of that class读高三high. The same class during the day and at night with small Zou together under the guidance of a teacher in high school review. Over time, small Zou and high teacher's daughter had a hazy love (first love). Found high teacher does not like other parents, as gross interference in, or back to the small Zou, but quite frankly a little Zou and his daughter called him, told them: "You were in love, I have no objection to , but you only after both the university, I will agree to marry you. " Inspired by the teacher, the teacher of small Zou and high daughter on to exhort each other to study hard. A year later, both university and small Zou admitted to the Xiamen University, the high teacher's daughter was admitted to a Fujian Normal University, everyone is happy.   Since Zou and not the teacher's daughter, a university study, "love" a feeling of indifference. Finally, commensurate with their brother and sister on.   Small Zou graduated from university that year, China has just taken place in a "student movement" was Beijing University, Qinghua University and other key most of the graduates did not stay in Beijing (all left Beijing), a result, this small Zou Xiamen University graduates, on the natural "supplement" assigned to Beijing, in a large state-owned enterprise when the secretary, soon to become a newspaper reporter.   Later, small Zou in Beijing Beijing to find a girl in love, get married before and his girlfriend small Zou (Beijing girl) went to his home (in a remote mountain in northern Fujian) called on parents, at home after two days that he would no longer be able to live his girlfriend, and talking about back to Beijing, the reason is very simple, rural life is so harsh that it is dirty, she is unable to adapt to ... .... They rushed back to Beijing. After they married, the wife of a small Zou (Beijing is that the girl) for small Zou said that your parents live in rural areas so hard, should they receive them from Beijing. Thus, they received small Zou Beijing parents live. But also the younger brother of the small Zou mountainous northern Fujian received from Beijing, now the younger brother of the small Zou worked in Beijing.   A person reading, "to get ahead," so the whole family are "dipping." Knowledge to change the fate of ah!、


恭喜恭喜%D%A请采纳!!。。, 。!


  女人有川字掌手相的人大多数会比较独立自主,甚至有的人会比较霸气比较有胆识不喜让人约束且其人的决断力会比较强。做事比较有气魄有魄力。会比较缺少女人味、有的时候会比较不好相处。性格决定命运因此有这种手相的人大多数会比较适合晚婚、晚一些结婚婚姻会比较容易幸福。手相上来看女人晚婚是指过了30岁在结婚!但并不是绝对的,要是生活中真的遇到了命定的有缘人稍微早一些结婚也是可以的!   希望对你有帮助?、

