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  Cancer的音标是['kænsə]。   备注:    这个词还可以表示癌症。例句:   I learned that he was suffering from cancer.   我听说他患了癌症!   We need your help to Stand Up To Cancer.   我们需要你的帮助站起来对付癌症、。

求巨蟹座的英语介绍 10分

  Cancer (巨蟹座)is one of the thirteen constellations of the zodiac. Its name is Latin for crab and it is commonly represented as such. Cancer is small and its stars are faint. It lies between Gemini to the west and Leo to the east, Lynx to the north and Canis Minor and Hydra to the south.     In Ancient Greece, Aratus called the constellation Καρκινος (Karkinos), which was followed by Hipparchus and Ptolemy. The Alfonsine tables called it Carcinus, a Latinized form of the Greek word. Eratosthenes extended this as Καρκινος, Ονοι, και Φατνη: the Crab, Asses, and Crib.     The Indian language Sanskrit shares a common ancestor with Greek, and the Sanskrit name of Cancer is Karka and Karkata. In Telugu it is "Karkatakam", in Kannada "Karkataka" or "Kataka", in Tamil Karkatan, and in Sinhalese Kagthaca. The later Hindus knew it as Kulira, from the Greek Κολουρος (Koloyros), the term originated by Proclus.     In Ancient Rome, Manilius and Ovid called the constellation Litoreus (shore-inhabiting). Astacus and Cammarus appear in various classic writers, while it is called Nepa in Cicero's De Finibus and the works of Columella, Plautus, and Varro; all of these words signify crab, lobster, or scorpion.     Athanasius Kircher said that in Coptic Egypt it was Κλαρια, the Bestia seu Statio Typhonis (the Power of Darkness). Jérôme Lalande identified this with Anubis, one of the Egyptian divinities commonly associated with Sirius....余下全文>>?




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  the year of mouse, bull, tiger, rabbit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep,monkey, rooster,dog,pig   鼠年 the year of mouse、其他的都以8821此类推。上面是各个属0596相的英文!   上面答案鸡一般不用cock 或者chicken、因为这两个词在因为里都有很不好的意思,这里不便多说。一般翻译为rooster(大公鸡)比较好,   rat是老鼠!但是rat给人的联想也不是啥好东西。所以还是mouse比较好点、米老鼠也是micky mouse啊、不会是micky rat的。rat是很脏恶心的东西、大老鼠哦,   牛,不用ox和cattle,用bull比较好!芝加哥公牛对用的也是chicago bulls,如果用ox或者是cattle都让人觉得是牲口的感觉?   小小注解一下。希望对你有帮助!,


  geomantic master“风水师”,




  你好、   白羊座   Aries 英[ˈeəəri:z] 美[ˈeri:z]   abbr. astronomical radio interferometric earth surveying 航空干涉测量勘察地表;   n. [天] 白羊(星)座; [天] 白羊宫;   [例句]GEMINI& ARIES: This is one of your best matches.   双子座和白羊座:这是你的最佳搭档之一,、


  For Taurus。


  Aquarius宝瓶座   Pisces 双鱼坐   Aries 白羊坐   Taurus 金牛座   Gemini 双子座   Cancer 巨蟹座   Leo 狮子座Virgo 处女坐   Libra 天秤座   Scorpio 天蝎座   Sagittarius射手座    Capricom摩羯座巨蟹座用英语,

