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  我国是一个没有公平的社会,如果不奋斗、就得由命运安排!    农民的子女不奋斗 就是穷命?0678一个人生在有权有势的家庭里   就是富命!穷人要奋斗、奋斗的方向要对!就可打破命运的安排。、





求音乐:应采儿 不相信命运

  歌手名:应采儿&古天乐   专辑名:   应采儿,古天乐   不相信命运   女:你今天约了我   心情也真不错   干嘛身边经过   烫过纸巾的女孩会是这么多   个子比我高   身材样子也不错   远远看见你   好象是着了魔   热情又如火   在你身边又罗嗦   而你看不见我   在你眼中没有女孩不知怎么活   哼 岂有此理   看得我的心中直冒火 直冒火 直冒火~   ……   算了~   ……   男:我一定追到你   无论你去哪里   我要拉着你   请你别再逃避   女:我给你机会   谁叫你放弃   现在谁都不可以   让你后悔 一辈子   男:再要试一试   我肯定追到你   哎呀、刚才我真笨   如今后悔来不及   女:别再骚扰我   现在决定躲开你   谁叫你 让我刚才 是这么没面子   男:我要拉拉你的手   我要追追追到你   女:我却抛抛抛开你   而且讨讨讨厌你   男:求求你   给我最后机会多一次,多一次。多一次   多一次~。



急求古希腊神话中 命运三女神的英文介绍,谢谢大家了

  This is the famous classical period, subject from the greek myth. the ancient greece, people built a temple to god. all this adulation temple of the parthenon was topnotch.The parthenon is a sculpture 菲狄亚斯 in the art of its creation, the temple with the scale of a great relief, though not all one's hands from 菲狄亚斯, but he is the chief designer of these sculptures, so from these sculptures can be clearly seen 菲狄亚斯 style.Temple is the ornamental carving is divided into three parts of the gable : things carved in stone sculpture, between a and type of over 160 meters with a carving.1687, The parthenon , temples were destroyed in war, or sculpture was burnt out and then were the englishman, made many valuable art works on the british, the sisters of fate "is one of them kept a good one.   The sisters of fate of the parthenon's east 人字形 gable all the statue of a group together. the three sisters is growe 克拉西斯, and a special law of persia. their task is spinning the fate of the line cut off while in life.They are imperial before zeus adviser simis's daughter. the three look like a goddess of the world is no god, but between the two sisters are moving, and sat down in the stance of the individual's personality had.Existing the three goddess statue that the head and his limbs have lost, but that beauty, quiet and smart, and still have a very beautiful.Especially sisters clothes processing, the greek thin dress in at three god, fine and complicated nature of the wet 衣褶, as the body of the ups and downs, the body beautiful outline vividly displayed.That these statues are not as cold as marble by, but the flesh and blood living person.、

为什么很多人不相信命运? 我却很相信。至少于命运可不可以改变 我想是可以 但是几率很小。大部分



  I put my destiny to heaven to arrange!



