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英语翻译:1.水的重要性;2.造成缺水的原因;3.保护水资源的措施。 100词左右。

  您好: 0563(满意请采纳、谢了~) As we can see, the world population is growing rapidly day by day. So enough fresh water is needed to feed such a big population. What's more, with the development of industry, factories and vehicles produce poisonous gases or wastes, which consequently results in the pollution of water. Though fresh, a good amount of it can no longer be used. Only quite limited fresh water resource is available to human beings. So it's high time for us human beings to take quick action to protect water resource. Stop pollution and save water, otherwise, we cannot survive on the earth.With fresh water, the world will be prosperous!。

人不吃食物能活一些日子,但缺水两三天就会死亡. 英语翻译

  People do not eat food to live some day, but the lack of water two or three days, one would die.Some people still are not aware of the importance of water, often to throw garbage in rivers and lakes; some factories to the rivers and lakes, wastewater, water pollution caused by drinking too.For the sake of our own, we should make every effort to protect water resources from pollution.?


  This is destiny.?


   根据黄帝内经和易经。五行缺水的确对性能力有影响:因为肾水为天河发源之精、能9553润万里沃野!智深而知进,向而不止、冲天奔地、故淫欲也皆因此而生。无所疑惑。水性亦知进   而不惑也!肾之性像水、其色泽黑而周流不滞,   任氏:水不能胜火,火必克金而伤肺,使不能下生肾水、木又汇水气、肾水必枯,阴虚火炎   这个任铁樵也是如此说,我觉得很对,,

我侄子五行缺水缺水 姓常 起什么名字好听?





  您好     五行缺水者可纹身:   1。蓝色鲤鱼(现在很多鲤鱼的图案都是蓝色鲤鱼红色鲤鱼加莲花。你4033不要这么纹,蓝色鲤鱼五行属水,红色鲤鱼五行属火、莲花五行属木,你只需单独纹一条蓝鲤鱼即可)   2,韩湘子(八仙之一。五行属水)   3。夜叉蹈海(最强力的补水、夜叉属鬼神!不宜纹在后背,胸口,最好纹在腿部)      相识就是缘分?本人五行缺水,胸口蓝鲤鱼,祝您好运。,


  This year is my animal year.(中国社会科学院语言研究所 顾曰国 认为应当这样翻译)   其它的也都对的:   This is my year of fate.   This is my birth year.   This is my big year.?


   水为黑色 方向北方。


  出生公历:1984年11月6日11时45分(北京时间)!   出生农历:甲子年 十月 十四日 午时。     乾造   甲子 甲戌 甲辰 庚午     ※五行个数(计入藏干): 2死水 4囚木 2休火 3旺土 2相金   五行个数(不计藏干): 1死水 3囚木 1休火 2旺土 1相金   五行力量:水41(11.8%) 木82(23.6%) 火73(21.0%) 土87(25.0%) 金65(18.7%)     己生助力量:123(35.3%) 克泄耗力量:225(64.7%)、 阴气:116(33.3%) 阳气:232(66.7%)!     ※日主综合得分:-112! 日元太弱。喜用木、水(比劫、印枭),忌仇金、土(官杀!财星),   生于戌月,土旺、金相。火休!木囚。水死!      你的八字不是木旺.甲木生戌月不得令.比肩木为囚.水为死水又不得生.所以你的八字为印比帮身格.木.水为用神.     [百度知道星座运势高手团]!

