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  相不相配系在于本身,这个没关系。结婚就要时1205辰八字!   希望采纳。


  你们是需要放下唇枪舌剑,立地成婚的一对,两个人都有清醒的头脑、在自我评价颇高的同时。也非常了解对方,一旦发生恶意的冲突。便会毫不留情地互揭对方9003的“疮疤”!结果是事后两个人都很受伤、   鸡先生挑剔苛刻。斤斤计较、狗太太敏锐毫辛辣。口唇刻丁!如果鸡先生开始对妻子的弱点不断挑剔、唠叨不休。诉说不平、狗太太的反应常不是和颜悦色。协调气氛,而是以自己的言辞反击?好在两人都心胸坦荡!仗义执言。只要有朝一日可以休战,你们便可形成一种融洽、和谐的关系、生肖女鸡、


  这个问题我说了很多遍了, 没差别, 一直有人问 狗怎么+点 龙怎么+点 鸡强还是老虎强 之类的,互 其实没差别 长得不一样而已。 有差的只有资质的差别!


  属蛇男人的婚姻与爱情  3648 属蛇的男性往往向往刺激。热烈的爱情!因此在你的生命中总有多个女性围着你转!是个典型的风5478流种子!你的爱情观比较新潮!懂得用行动表达爱意。也善于捉摸女孩子的心理。说你是个情场杀手!实不为过、但是!你虽然有行动。却不会将心事表露!使别人无法理解你2739的内心。因此你较难找0384到知心恋人,   女属鸡男属蛇:天生一对、她的诚实使你与她和睦相处。而你又可弥补她的不足!、


  都什么年代了 还这么迷信     这样的父母带出来的孩子 肯定没出息、


猴最近!杀鸡吓猴, 。


没有什么配不配的,爱情有缘分,婚姻是要靠维系,好好生活就比什么都般配,祝你幸福、 !




  背景: The Jade Emperor wanted to select twelve animals to represent the different years as totems. Hearing this, all the animals on earth rushed to the call with each desiring to be selected. Finding no suitable method on which to base his selection, the Jade Emperor decided to have a tournament of physical skills and abilities.     The Jade Emperor appointed the Elephant to be the undisputed judge of this tournament. The elephant was known for his calmness, great moral virtue and conduct. His judgment was principled and fair and because of this he is highly respected by all the animals.   When this tournament and its rules were announced, the Cat heard about it and went to tell this to the Rat. In earlier times, both the Cat and the Rat were very close friends. The Cat told the Rat that he was eligible to compete because being an animal was the only necessary qualification. When the Rat arrived, he saw that there was already a mighty strong brown Ox poised on the tournament platform welcoming all challengers.   The brown Ox was both large in size and extremely mighty. He thought little of having the tiny Rat as his opponent. He was over confident as he stood boldly on the tournament platform. Readying himself for the battle, the Ox raised his front legs and pawed and scratched on the ground as he was prepared to stomp on the Rat and flatten him into a small meat patty. However, the Rat was light in weight and quick and agile in movement so that he was successful in side-stepping the ......余下全文>>,



