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  鼠:  鼠对缘份比较信、因为鼠人懂得2398如何解释缘份,如何利用缘份为自己服务、只是!鼠人喜欢新奇的个性却总是驱使8911他们去寻找另一段缘份,这也就是为什么通经常会有两段姻缘、几乎同时降临到鼠人头上的原因,不过、通常鼠人最终的姻缘还是美满的,!




  属兔的明星娱乐界:陆毅!刘国梁。李心洁,林心如!陈坤。李湘 赵薇、梁咏琪!舒淇 。王力宏!祁宏!马伊俐阿牛!陈晓东、宋承宪(韩国),张震,周迅。夏雨!李宗翰,陈好   足球明星   托蒂   罗纳尔多   埃莫森   吉尔伯托.席尔瓦   埃德米尔森   舍甫琴科   维埃拉   安贞焕   阿洛伊西   内斯塔   奥多   卡莫拉内西   弗林斯   万乔普   索林   范尼   哈什米安   努诺.戈麦斯生肖牛的明星。


  多元输入法(多元汉字与图形符号输入法)输入slys!即见国际标准万国码新增的“表情符号”牛的简笔画及图案:【????】,【????】。【????】,【????】。编码原理:s→ 图形符号部分(第一码)!l→ 表情符号大类1825(第二码),y→ ????,“牛”字首部笔形?s→ “牛”为独体字。第二部分用s替代,至于颜色,可涂抹棕色等颜料!但打印的话、一般都是黑色的。。

关于我的生肖 牛 的英文作文范文

  The old water buffalo of my house My house of last year in the cow house return two cow, left a head of flower milk cow just now, that scrawny old water buffalo, also don't know it what's the matter. Remembering usually is at have leisure of time, I then lead long an old water buffalo to river pool with small crew member up play, let the old water buffalo conveniently eat some sods.The old water buffalo always needs to see on all sides landscape, then just lowers the head to eat grass.At this time, I round the bridle to it of two Cape up, let it free activity, it seems to thank me stretch out a rough tongue to lick me once the back of the hand.If I clap it of head, say:"Lie Cape."It chases a head right away lowly, let me hand it of Cape, then it one rise, hand me at it of carry on the back up. Water of the old water buffalo is specially good.In summer, it likes to play water most , usually sneak in water bottom and foot's hasing half doesn't raise head for hour, let the fly can not find it, can also make oneself cool.Sometimes, it will also chase the whole body mire of oneself and keep mosquito Ding from bite! Old water buffalo is very the very old cow of the human nature.The feet head quarter trampled the inside of the footprint of two forepaws after 2 when it walk and was like a person be walk.Time of plough, the plough head deeply puts into the inside of the mud, brown of the mud turn over into a line and specially keep.The old water buffalo stem lives not important person to threaten, and another of what it is no object.Early winter, the adults feed flower milk cow with the rare potato rattan, the rice straw which edible withered Huang of old water buffalo, I stealthily Ye some rattan son fill to it and it kisses my face in person and seem to be say:"Little host relate to.Spend the milk cow eats to order green animal feed just produce milk, I am old, can't give the host much contribution and eat to go everything." Finally and one day, father say:"We would live into the small area, does money which buys a house still lack, sell an old water buffalo." Face to walk of that day of, the old water buffalo turns head to hope difficult give up of cabin, hope familiar countryside, the inside of the eye's ising full is a tears.!



生肖牛的来历 生肖牛的来历

  古时。牛正是玉帝殿前的差役!时常往返于天宫和大地之间。有一天,农夫托牛给玉帝传个口信,说是人间寸草不生、大地光秃秃的,太难看。请玉帝带点母草籽给人间,把人间打扮得好看些、玉帝听了,觉得有道理。便问殿下众神谁愿去人间撒草种。   “玉帝。我愿去5624人间撒草种。”牛王自告奋勇地说,    “你是个粗心大意的家伙!恐怕不行吧,”玉帝不放心地说、    “玉帝放心,这点小事我都办不好、甘愿受罚。”牛王坚持要去,   玉帝同意了牛王的请求。属咐牛王到人间后,走三步撒一把草籽、   牛王带着草籽。走出天宫,在跨出南天门时。不小心跌了一跤、附下人间后!头脑晕乎乎的!误以为玉帝的旨意是走一步撒了三把草籽,于是。大把的草籽撒在了大地,   第二年、野草丛生!农夫根本无法4709种庄稼了,   他们托灶神告诉玉帝。野草太多,庄稼无法生长、玉帝知道坏事了、召来牛王一问才知道粗心的牛王是一步撒三把草籽!把一件好事办坏了。   “你这粗心的老牛、弄得人间遍地里草、当初你怎么保证的。从今 以后、你和你的子子孙孙都只准吃草,帮助农夫除草?同时!祖祖辈辈是帮助农夫干活儿。”玉帝说完、怒气未消、飞起一脚踢向老牛。牛王一个筋斗从天上落到人间!嘴巴朝下!被摔掉一排上牙,于是、牛从此便一辈子给农夫当苦力、并且人6681未停止啃青草!直到今天。它的那排上牙也还没有长出来、   但是!牛是个知过即改的好动物、它任劳任怨、勤恳踏实!拉车犁田从3813不松套,为农夫做了不少工作!博得人们的好评、在排生肖的时候!人们一至推举他为生肖、如果不是投机的小老鼠藏在牛角上!抢先得了头名?牛王肯定还会8395当上生肖首领呢。   牛凭自己对人类的贡献当上了人类的生肖、、




  辰.龙   化石何曾似画龙 腾云驾雾本无踪 点睛能使飞天外 要辨真容问叶公,


  应该是马 都是拉货的?

