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  禁忌语话题调查:(说明:禁忌语就是我们通常所说的忌讳话!包括不吉利的!不文明的、不分长幼的这样的话语。如我7113们在煮饺子时、忌讳说饺子“破了”?而说“挣了”?故回答下例问题时请按“忌讳说…..而改说……”的形式回答) 一?胶东行业!职业里的相关忌讳话语调查 1。 胶东沿海多渔民?那么你所知道的渔民在出海日、海上作业时,捕鱼时!海神祭祀时以及渔家的日常生活中都有哪些语言禁忌呢, 2! 胶东农民素有勤劳耕作、节俭持家之风,农民们在播种季节。收获季节,祈求人畜兴旺。庄稼丰收之时都有哪些忌讳的语言呢! 3, 胶东地区的小手工业者:如木匠!瓦匠、石匠及小商小贩有哪些行业上的忌讳话呢。 4。 其他行业:如会计。老师!警察、医生。司机……在众多行业里,你知道0565哪些忌讳语呢, 二!胶东日常生活中的相关忌讳话语调查 1, 生活中的每一天!人们都希望凡事顺利,一切平安。那么必定会有一些不吉利的词语是不能说的,这样的词语有哪些呢!(提3268示:凶祸词语!破财词语!咒骂词语!粗言粗语) 2。 人们在出行,上班、出远门。旅行时为保平安、会5786避免说哪些话、 3, 人们在农收!做生意,投资时……为求钱财会避免说哪些话, 4! 在生病,身体不适时……为求康复!会避免说哪些话, 5。 在农业种植、考试。谈判时……为求顺利会避免说哪些话! 6! 人们在日常生活中称呼长辈、领导。亲戚!朋友、同事时……为了礼貌和尊重!会有哪些称呼是忌讳的、 7, 人们在平日的饮食。起居方面有哪些忌讳语,如蒜(散)…… 8, 在数字,颜色方面的忌讳语、 9, 我们胶东地区的节庆日有浓郁的地域特色、在这些节日里有哪些话是不能说的呢!(提示:除夕。正月头七日!龙抬头日、**节…..) 10、我们胶东地区的喜庆日也有祖辈传承来的特色、在这些喜庆日里有哪些话是不能说的呢,(提示:婚礼日。拜访公婆,岳父母家,生日!寿宴,聚会,典礼9532……) 11!胶东人民也非常关注后代子孙的成长、关乎于此的有些话也不能随便说,如怀孕时有关孕妇的哪些话不能说、在产房里的忌讳话。命名时的忌讳,关于孩子成长发展的忌讳话,…… 12。9096死亡与丧葬是人们普遍忌讳的话题?这方面你知道哪些忌讳话呢!(提示:一般说人去世了。不说死了!还有、死时禁忌、成殓禁忌。葬时禁忌、服丧守孝禁忌。祭扫禁忌……) 13、关于个人隐私方面的话题也是不好随便说的!这方面的忌讳话你知道哪些呢。(提示:人体!

商务礼仪 女士商务场合有哪些着装禁忌

  女士商务礼仪的着装禁忌   1.按规定着装   重大的宴会。庆典和商务谈判,尤其是涉外性商务活动,组织者所发请柬上有时专门注有着9161装要求!参加者就应按规定着装、如果组织者没有具体的着装规定。参加者也应穿穿着较正式的服装!通常!女士可穿各式套装、民族服装,旗袍或连衣裙等,   2.注意场合   商务礼仪规定:女士在各种正式的商务交往活动中!一7483般以穿着套裙为好。但是忌穿黑色皮裙,因为在国外穿黑色皮裙被视为没有教养的表现,在出席宴会!舞会!音乐会时,可酌情选择适合参加这类活动的时装或礼服、可以穿穿各式套装。民族服装,旗袍或连衣裙等。   3.服装齐整   女士在正式场合穿套裙时!上衣的衣扣必须全部系上!不要将其部分或全部解开!更不要当着别人的面随便将上衣脱下,上衣的领子要完全翻好、有袋的盖子要拉出来盖住衣袋!不要将上衣披在身上、或者搭在身上、但是、在室内参加活动时。应脱去罩在西装套裙外的大衣和风衣、   4.选择合适的袜子   与裙装必须搭配在一起的就是女性的袜子。在社交7876场合中,不准光腿或穿彩色丝袜。短袜。女性的袜子款式和色彩多种多样,但在裙装里占主导地位的还是丝袜。穿裙子时!应8642配长筒丝袜或连裤袜、国际上通常认为袜子是内衣的一部分!因此!袜子的长度一定要高于裙子下部边缘、绝不可露出袜口、不仅在站立之时袜口外露不合适、就是在行走或就座时袜口外露也不合适!而且、袜子不可以有丝毫破洞,抽丝,染色现象、职业女性的提包里!一般都要带有备用的丝袜。   5.选择合适的鞋子   在社交场合中、最常穿的是皮鞋、黑色皮鞋适合四季穿!而且可以与所有颜色相搭配?不论搭配什么样的服装、都能给人稳重、沉着之感、9013所以多配几双总没错、白色皮鞋与浅色服装相配!则会给人年轻活泼的感觉,若是选择其他颜色的鞋、就要注意与服装色调为1525同一色系,如果鞋子的颜色与上下装反差太大、就会破坏整体之美、总之。要达到一种和谐、鞋的颜色最好与服饰主色调相呼应!   皮鞋跟的高低选择应视身材来决定!一般而言、中跟皮鞋能使女性显得挺拔与秀气。身材特高的女性可以穿平跟鞋,身材较矮小的女性可以穿高跟鞋、皮鞋跟的形状也要注意。身材较矮的女性最好不要穿方跟或酒杯跟的皮鞋;而身材很高的女性也不要穿特细特尖的高跟鞋。那会给人产生头重脚轻。不7937稳重之感觉、   6.包的搭配   包是职业女性在社交场合中不可缺少的配件!既有实用功能,又有装饰价值。质料名贵、手工精致。外观华丽,体、


  When the lady greets to exotic, even so, you are not to shake hands with such as physical contact, but should instead of distance. In addition, women in something not directly to monk pass monk, through the man. Avoid give monk money. The priest shall meet monk, give them money, because of the money is not accept others JinLv Buddhism. Avoid has profaned the Buddha, Buddha is allowed to photograph. See figure of Buddha, Buddha to avoid pat no respect, buddhist statue was riding in the above photographs of Thai people cannot tolerate profane act, there is the behavior of people may be sentenced to. Into the temple, socks, should take off shoe, otherwise you will incur barefoot into trouble. In addition, scruffy, TanXiongLouBei, wear vest, shorts into a temple, considered profane act, is strictly prohibited. The head is the inviolable. Touch other head is considered to be touched a crying shame. If you accidentally touch the head, and others sincerely apologize immediately. The child cannot touch head, because the child that "Thailand has elves" head accommodation, touch the head is that children will give children bring luck ". Children's head only allow the king, monks, and their parents touch. Even the barber also cannot touch others in the head before the barber, say "I must". Women should be huge, and dignified legs together, otherwise considered not civilization, lack of education. Avoid using left. The left hand is considered unclean, avoid using hand, because the thais delivered with left hand is to think of a despised. Formal occasions, such as something to send CARDS to each other, and shall be delivered to your hands, with our respect and delivery of the same things etiquette. Avoid against others. Pat the shoulders of others is not considered a friendly gesture, considered a civilized manner. Avoid trample threshold. In Thailand, do not enter home on the threshold of Thailand, because that threshold under occupation spirit. Avoid using red sign. Only in the coffin in Thailand on the names of the dead in red, when to use red sign is dead. In our country also avoid writing, signed with the red pen, because with the red pen write hinted diffidation, with the red pen is to sign the ungodly. Avoid sitting cross-legged or sole to people. In Thailand, sitting cross-legged or sole on people or to the Buddha is not polite. Whether sitting or standing, don't allow thais clearly see your sole, because the sole of others is a "will trample on the" other people in Thailand, insulting is absolutely unacceptable. Brown in color, taboo, like red, yellow, and blue well disposed, in their eyes, the blue symbolizes "eternal" and "stability". In the middle of a conversation should avoid discussing politics, religion and royal aspects of topic, And Thailand, don't boast businessman of national economy, don't ask Mrs. Some married. The topics include proper culture, history and Thai food. Gifts Thailand businessman like gift-giving. Calligraphy and painting, children's toys and flowers to Thailand is comely gifts. But should pay attention to avoid sends with "" and" turtle "pattern of the soul, Business gifts, because the Thai people think a crane is a kind of" sex "bird, Turtle was regarded as a sickening low-level animal, give a person with a kind of "ugly" and "sex", "insulting" impression. Therefore, this two animals with its design and the goods that Thailand is taboo. In addition, flowers, don't send carnations or marigold's national flower lotus is people very favorite. Young people prefer foreign universities T-shirt. And when the same host, the etiquette received a gift in front of you not to open it. If you receive a Thai people's gift to you, you also need to open it, thank you, unless you can open it requests. The final decision businessman talks in Thailand for a long time, often need to be patient, maintain a positive attitude of "the best things are difficult to get opportunities will no doubt. In addition, business negotiations in Thailand, don't expect a talk to have enough psychological preparation, and not a spirit of facilities, strive for success of the negotiations. Business etiquette embody the businessmen of personal comprehensive quality and cultural literacy, represent the company's professional image and reflect in the national civilization. Thailand as a predominantly buddhist has its unique traditional etiquette for our country, in the business activity, must respect its religious tradition and culture, avoid some taboo behavior, only such ability and tai shang good business communication, win their trust, and finally obtain business opportunities.不同地区商务礼仪禁忌!




  我国的跨流域调水工程6906是把(长江流域)的水调往缺水的(华北)地区和(西北)地区   正解请采纳!


  目前我国水资源十分紧缺,而农业用水浪费极为严重传统的大水漫灌方0530式使农业成了用水大户。其用水量占全国总用水量的70%以上。而水的有效利用率只有30%~40%!改变人们千百年来传统的灌溉习惯,用较少的水获得较高的产出效益!推广高效节水灌溉技术是一项重任!也是缓解我国水资源紧缺的途径之一。更是现代农业发展的必然选择。   高效节水灌溉比较常见的灌溉方式是:滴灌、微喷!膜下滴灌,   滴灌:滴灌是利用塑料管道将水通过直径约10mm毛管上的孔口或滴头送到作物根部进行局部灌溉!   微喷:微喷是利用折射式、施3832转式成辐射式微型喷头将水喷酒到作物枝叶等区域的灌水形式、微喷的工作压力低。流量小、既可以增加土壤水分,又能提高空气湿度?起到调节局部小气候的功效。应用面|分广泛、   膜下滴灌:即在滴灌带或滴灌毛管上覆盖一层地膜?这种技术是通过可控管道系统供水。将加压的水经过过滤设施滤“清”后,和水溶性肥料充分融合,形成肥水溶液!进入输水干管-支管-毛管(铺设在地膜下方的灌溉带),再由毛管上的滴水器一滴一滴地均匀、定时,定量浸润作物根系发育区!供根系吸收!    关于节水灌溉的更多知识、可以咨询专业的灌溉公司哦。[,


  有必要提醒,纬度2330造成天体位置的变化仅在于纬向。最直接的表现为天体上中天位置的变化,   还是举个例子比较感性的来说明这一点吧。首先!我们知道,北天极(可近似认为北极星)的高度等于观测点的地理纬度!在上海、北天极高度为31°、北京则为40°、   天蝎座是夏季星空的一个星座。其最南端的赤纬大约是-40°。也就是距离北天极大约130°的位置!   在上海观测,上中天时。其最南端距离北点为30°+130°=160°!换而言之、它将位于正南方。高度角为20°,然而在北京观测,其最南端距离北点为40°+130°=170°。他的地平高度只有十度之高!在这个位置上。很容易6213被建筑遮挡或者地光侵蚀?所以说!在上海看全天蝎座不是什么难事。然而在北京!是有一定挑战的、   至于楼主给楼上朋友的追问,答案是。可以的、但是要看较高纬度天体星下点和观测点的维度差、如果超过90°,则进入恒隐圈,无法观测到,   天体上中天高度角=90°-地理纬度+天体赤纬(人为规定北半球为正?南半球为负、不论天球地球)。   对于上海!北纬31°、当天体的赤纬低于-59°即无法观测!所以赤纬是57°40′的一等大星水委一变成了对我非常有吸引力的目标!   然而,如果天体位于北半天。那就没什么问题。还记得一开始的北天极么!赤纬是+90°!但是在整个北半球都能观测、而且其高度和地理纬度相当、对于北极点的观测者!高高挂在天顶、然7868而对于赤道来说、则是恰好且在地平线处。   PS “那个你的回答!我也是这样理解的,那个我再问下是不是离北天极越远(比如说在10到30的纬度能看到30纬度以上的星座,)” 这句话似乎缺了很多内容!我没有理解!   PPS 这是天文奥赛的一个基础考点!如果能够认识到天体周日4345运动的规律、这个问题将会有更深层次的认识。很容易迎刃而解、!




  电话号8616码不可以留。答案会失效!如果有问题可以直接在这里提问   算命需要详细的出生年月日时,注明是男命还是女命、农历还是阳历,


历史传说是这样。澄海莲花山是莲花他看成是通天烛!看错挖井想灭烛火反倒助了喜水的莲花、潮州建涸溪塔是他用来压死鲤鱼头的等等。、 ,。

