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英语作文 藏族人的禁忌

  Tibetan Lamaism nation, as presented hada common and valued as etiquette. A movement for guest identity vary: Thera, elders, to raise both hands over the top; to equals, as long as the hands to each other's hands; to the younger generation is in their neck. Offer hada must bow, not to hand pick. Visitors to the door to meet Master, of respect for elders, take off their hats to 45 degrees, see peers can be slightly low; a tea with milk, butter tea and barley wine respect the three cup of the customs, the guests can not be refused, drink three cups are many subtle attention; see a visitor out to let guests walk in the front, as the guest horse saddle. Main taboo: don't touch the Buddha, the Buddha, Buddha, Scripture for visual, body and Buddhist wearing beads, because they are holy; men sat on the left, female sit right, cannot be mixed sat; a patient at home or maternal, shall not enter.狮子座的英语作文,


  The British general price not expensive but have a memorable gift, don't send the lilies, because it means death. Receive gifts to open presents in front of everyone.   Americans send something to send singular and exquisite packaging. They think the snails and horseshoe is mascot.   The French don't send chrysanthemum flowers, azaleas, and yellow flowers; Don't send gifts with a crane pattern; Don't send walnuts. They think that cranesis a sign of stupid and walnuts are not auspicious.   Russian people send flowers to send singular. To entertain guests with bread and salt, friendly and respect. The most taboo to send money to other people, because it means giving and insult.   The Japanese FangQinWenYou, attending banquets will bring a gift. Receive, send gift   附中文:   英国人一般送价钱不贵但有纪念意义的礼物?切记不要送百合花。因为这意味着死亡!收到礼物的人要当着众人的面打开礼物,   美国人送东西要送单数,且讲究包装。他们认为蜗牛和马蹄铁是吉祥物、   法国人送花的时候不要送菊花、杜鹃花及黄色的花。不要送带有仙鹤图案的礼物!也不要送核桃。他们认为仙鹤是蠢汉的标志、而核桃是不吉祥!   俄罗斯人送鲜花要送单数。用面包与盐4239招待贵客,表示友好和尊敬,最忌4100讳送钱给别人、因为这3678意味着施舍和侮辱!。


  Aries   you are energetic and active ,but sometimes too impatient.   youlike to be the leader .some people think that you are selfish at times.   Taurus   you are stubborn and do not like change .you are a hard-work person.   you are patient and do not give up easily.   Gemini   you are a curious and clever person .you are outgoing.you love to talk.   Cancer   you are kind.you love your homeand family and like to take care of others.you like saving money and cooking.   Leo   you are a strong and confident person .youare generous. you like to buy your friends nice gifts.   Virgo   you are a modest person .you worry too much at times.you are practical and you always pay attention to details.   Libra   youare a polite and fair person .   you are elegant and love beautiful things.you love peace and do not like to like others.   Scorpio   you are a powerful person and have lots of energy .you like to keep secrets.however sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.   Sagittarius   you enjoy life and have a good sense of humour .you are often lucky.   you love tavelling to different places.   Capricorn   you are businesslike and are often successful.you are good at making or planning things .you are patient enough to wait without getting angry.   Aquarius   you are kind and wise.you have many friends.however,some people think that you are strange as you hate to be like anyone else and you try everything just to be different.   Pisces   you are geners ,kind,gentleandeasy-going.you are also creative and imaginative.you like to dream about everything.,

狮子座中最暗的一颗星叫什么 作文要用,急急急急急~~~~求帮助

  比较亮的而且比较著名的两颗,狮子的心脏“轩辕十四”蓝白色星、狮子座弧巴“五帝一”!     其他就不是很亮了!如“轩辕九”。“轩辕十一”?“轩辕十二”“轩辕十四”等!,


  lucky 英[ˈlʌki] 美[ˈlʌki]   adj. 运气好的,侥幸的; 兆头好的,吉祥的; 〈俚〉难得; 很恰当的;   [例句]I am luckier than most. I have a job   我比大部分人幸运。我有份工作、   [其他] 比较级:luckier 最高级:luckiest,


  "Although I am a proud queen Leo, but when you need me, I have been in your side、


  Aries白羊座   Taurus金牛座   Gemini 双子座   Cancer 巨蟹座 Leo 狮子座   Virgo 处女座   Libra 天秤座   Scorpio 天蝎座   Sagittarius 射手座/人马座   Capricorn 摩羯座   Aquarius 水瓶座   Pisces 双鱼座、


  So that host could rest.had better not the too loud round!Mr li I has been that li Hua: When third have dinner;t usually stay longHow are you. 补充.this is to respect the opposite Side i express again.Second in china first meet and be a guest usually want to take something.for this time purpose that write letter meant to tell you chinese gift discuss,this is politeoess.the first chinese and meet and usually is.Fourth finish eating the meal and shoud don'!


  Knowledge changes fate.。


  Man is the architect of his own fate.   是一条谚语、   好辛苦才查出来的。   希望采纳。,

