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五行诗关于爱情的 英语

  LoveSweet,warmStairing,smiling, huggingBring care and joy Forever,


  1.Thanks to father The year has turned its circle,The seasons come and go.The harvest is all gathered in And chilly north winds blow.Orchards have shared their treasures,The fields,their yellow grain.So open wide the doorway- Thanksgiving comes again!Father,We Thank Thee Father,we thank Thee for the night,And for the pleasant morning light,For rest and food and loving care,And all that makes the world so fair.Help us to do the things we should,To be to others kind and good,In all we do,in all we say,To grow more loving every day.2.I think about my father on his special day ---he makes my heart smile.My shirt sticks to me ---I watch the cork disappearas the fish gets fed.Limericks have always been a favorite because they are supposed to be funny!There are five lines.The first,second,and fifth line rhyme with each other and the third and fourth linesrhyme with each other.Most begin with "There once was a ..." Try one of these to make your father laugh!There once was a dad that I knew,He tried to "teach me a thing or two,"He taught me to fishAnd how to cook a dishAnd how to fly a kite when the wind blew.There was a dad from Illinois,To know him was such a joy.He told silly talesAnd made castles with pailsAnd acted just like a small boy.There once were a mom and a dad,They loved me even when I was bad.If sometimes I did wrong,They weren't mad for longThey're the best parents I ever had.、


  To Autumn   Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,   Conspiring with him how to load and bless   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;   秋颂   雾气洋溢!果实圆熟的秋、   你和成熟的太阳成为友伴。   你们密谋用累累的珠球、 3120  缀满茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓!。


  简体 拼音 笔画 吉凶 五行   致 zhi 9 0 火   含义:致。同本义 [deliver;extend;send] 致,送诣也!--《说文》君子以致命遂志,--《易·象下传》远莫致之、--《诗·卫风·竹竿》卿致馆。--《诗·卫风·聘礼》殷人既葬而致事?--《仪礼8859·曾子问》远方莫不致其珍,--《荀子·解蔽》令曰:“得李广必生致之,”--《史记·李将军列传》致敬亭于幕府、--清·黄宗羲《柳敬亭传》致电上海!--清·梁启超《谭嗣同传》又如:致聘(送交定亲礼品) 招引;招致 [incur;result in;cause] 致天下之士!--汉·贾谊,




  Spring Festival   春节   Spring Festival is an important festival in China.   春节在中国是个重要的节日.   In the festival,all family members go together and have a big dinner together.   在节日里,所有的家庭成员相聚一团,并一起享用晚餐.   We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food .   我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.   Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents.   孩子们非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以享用美味,穿新衣.他们可以从父母那儿拿到压岁钱.   After the dinner, we watch the Spring Festival party on television.   晚饭后,我们在电视上看春节联欢晚会.   We have chatting each other.   我们互相畅谈.   People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”. ...展开Spring Festival   春节   Spring Festival is an important festival in China.   春节在中国是个重要的节日.   In the festival,all family members go together and have a big dinner together.   在节日里,所有的家庭成员相聚一团,并一起享用晚餐.   We have chicken,duck,fish,pork and such as. Dumplings are the most traditional food .   我们吃鸡鸭鱼肉和类似的食物.饺子是最传统的食物.   Children like the festival very much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents.   孩子们非常喜欢这个节日,因为他们可以享用美味,穿新衣.他们可以从父母那儿拿到压岁钱.   After the dinner, we watch the Spring Festival party on television.   晚饭后,我们在电视上看春节联欢晚会.   We have chatting each other.   我们互相畅谈.   People visit relatives and friends with the words “Have all your wishes ”.   人们访问亲朋好友并互相祝福好运.   People enjoy the Spring Festival ,during this time they can have a good rest . 更多hi我   你为啥要赞同。怎么不采纳。点击回答答案下方采纳为最佳答案就可采纳了!收起,


  【名字五行分析】   岳诗诺的五行组合是:木-金-火。 6723  这种组合的人踏实稳重!正直无私!富7347有决断力和执行力!领导力强,其人意志坚定、注重实际。做事有计划!贵人运好、能获得众人的支持和帮助取得成功。。


  My grandmother possessor of a dog, very cute. Every time I went to the grandmother at home, I saw the puppy will happily shouted: bark bark! But also hard wagging his tail as if to say: Long time no see ah! Puppy furry body, head with watery eyes, with a look a little scary mouth nose. It is a favorite bone. Once, I remember after eating chicken bones favorite puppy, I thought: why not put the bones to feed the dog it. I threw the dog bones, dog bones saw, jumped three feet high, can not wait to eat up the bones flew. It did look so cute to eat ah!?


  七言的5328可以吗,   教师颂   杏 坛 传 道 立 朝 夕 !   寒 来 暑 往 终 如 一 !   焚 膏 继 晷 育 桃 李 ?   无 悔 白 发 代 青 丝 ,!



