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  Aquarius story: Aquarius tears     Iraq is the prince of Troy, is a handsome extraordinary young. His appearance is also are rare even.     Iraq does not love the human woman, his deep love is Zeus shrine in a pouring maid. This ordinary maid once in a night with wonderful song captured Iraqi heart, also took the Trojan town all girl's happiness.     Against the that girl's Helen, and Troy the city's most beautiful woman Helen with the same beautiful name. Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy's decision, Helen disregard precepts hurried to give news. Prince Iraq Results in the middle of the road was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple. Zeus wrench to put to death, but she decides to punish her. In his son of Apollo cues, Zeus decided to send this sin on giving Helen of Troy prince, cant.     One day, Zeus become an eagle, coming in Troy space. The sight of him saw in the back garden for a walk in the prince. Zeus startled, he had met with many beautiful goddess of earth and stunning woman, but have never seen such a handsome young man. Zeus was Iraq special temperament attracted deeply, a wicked thoughts arises spontaneously. He from swooping, pushed up Iraq, bring him back to the temple.     In the cold temple, Iraq see family also see Helen, he pined. While Zeus but persecuted for his Iraq instead of Helen drinks, so that he could see this beautiful boy ......余下全文>>。


  The legend of 12 Chinese zodiac,


  双鱼座:Venus with a beloved American spirit sons - little Cupid, dressed up, ready to take part in a luxurious banquet. At this banquet, all the participants who are the gods of soil, described as a "god of the feast" A goddess who play more than a search for the beautiful, who also do not want other people to inferior: The public men of God who is the staff of a wine glass, small groups in the rhetoric. The naughty children have long since been Annaibuzhu, playing hide and seek coming. Climax when the whole party, we all revel in the delicious food, and drink in the fragrant, suddenly came an uninvited guest, destroy the whole party atmosphere. The uninvited guest, has a very ferocious appearance, and the evil heart, he appeared at the banquet purpose is to destroy it, it is apparently, he has achieved this objective was. He reached the tables of food furnished to overthrow, put potted plants Shuaixiang pool, also with a terrible expression, frightened by the presence of each participant. People began to flee, had a good dinner, actually become so panicked, screaming, children crying endless. This time, Venus suddenly found Jupiter disappeared, her tense around to look, but also the presence of uninvited guests who gave up, and Venus looked in every corner of the banquet, and finally under the piano, found already rip have had diarrhea trembling Jupiter, Venus, Cupid can not help but quickly will tightly in his arms. Cupid with her in order to prevent re-separated, Venus was a way to use a rope to tie together the feet of two people, and then turned into two fish, this way, the successful escape from this terrible The banquet was. 处女座:Agriculture goddess Demeter and Zeus had a daughter Puxifenni the Great, one day Puxifenni pick flowers in the wild, there are flowers beautiful flowers Masamori never seen open, just as her hand to Abstract, the ground suddenly Rupture in a good few, Puxifenni to stop. Mother, Demeter, also vowed to recover the missing daughter around them. See everything through the sun god Helios told Demeter is due to Pluto Haides For married Puxifenni wife, and her back ground, Demeter sadness over Plants can wither, the earth is not a hair of Health. Zeus to see the serious situation, is to Haides intercede, but Haides go in Puxifenni when she took the Underworld pomegranate to eat, Puxifenni because they can leave, happy to eat four, the result was forced to four months a year to stay in the Underworld, which four months into the winter today, things should not be farming, Puxifenni a return to earth is the spring, Demeter is the embodiment of Virgo.,


  你知道自己属什么吗?有属小白兔的!有属大老虎的………有属猫的吗。没有,怎么有属老鼠的,没有属猫的呢,这里有个故事!     很久很久以前,有一天!人们说:“我们要选十二种动物作为人的生肖!一年一种动物。”天下的动物有多少呀!怎么个选法呢,这样吧,定好一个日子,这一天、动物们来报名!就选先到7976的十二种动物为十二生肖,  2359 猫和老鼠是邻居!又是好朋友、它们都想去报名?猫说:“咱们得一早起来去报名。可4279是我爱睡懒觉,怎么办呢、”老鼠说:“别着急。别着急,你尽9711管睡你的大觉!我一醒来!就去叫你!咱们一块儿去,6204”猫听了很高兴。说:“你真是0301我的好朋友?谢谢你了、”   到了报名那天早晨。老鼠早就醒来了。可是它光想到自己的事!把好朋友1016猫的事给忘了!就自己去报名了!   结果,老鼠被选上了。猫呢,猫因7328为睡懒觉!起床太迟了、等它赶到时。十二种动物已被选定了!   猫没有被选上,就生老鼠的气,怪老鼠没有叫它。从这以后。猫见了老鼠就要吃它,老鼠就只好拼命地逃、   现在还是这样!     你知道哪十二生肖吗、   它们是:老鼠,牛、老虎!兔子、龙!蛇。马。羊。猴、鸡、狗。猪,   怎么让小小的老鼠排在第一名呢!这里也有个故事,     报名那天。老0446鼠起得很早、牛也起得很早,它们在路上碰到了、牛个头大、迈的步子也大。老鼠个头小!迈得步子也小。老鼠跑得上气不接下气?才刚刚跟上牛。老鼠心里想:路还远着呢!我快跑不动了、这可怎么办。它脑子一动,想出个主意来、就对牛说:“牛哥哥?牛哥哥。我来给你唱个歌!”牛说:“好啊、你唱吧---咦,你怎么不唱呀。”老鼠说:“我在唱哩!你怎0013么没听见?哦、我的嗓们太细了!你没听见!这样吧。让我骑在你的脖子上!唱起歌来。你就听见了!”牛说:“行罗。行罗!”老鼠就沿着牛腿子一直爬上了牛脖子!让牛驮着它走、可舒服了,它摇头晃脑的。真的唱起歌来:   牛哥哥,牛哥哥、过小河,爬山坡。驾、驾!快点儿罗。牛一听!乐了!撒开四条腿使劲跑、跑到报名的地方一看、谁也没来,高兴得昂昂地叫起来:“我是第一名、我是第一名、”牛还没吧话说完,老鼠从牛脖子上一蹦。蹦到地上,吱溜一蹿!蹿到牛前4390面去了!结果是老鼠得了第一名、牛得了第二名,所以。在十二生肖里。小小的老鼠给排在最前面了。     十二生肖的故事二   如何挑选十二种生肖动物。这是一个人们亘古流传的话题、传说中有一年?玉皇大7460帝过生日、下令让所有的动物1886在正月初九这天前来祝寿,并决定按前来祝贺生日的报到顺序选定十二种动物。作为通往上天之路的守卫、并按年轮流值班、    3452 相传!当时老鼠和猫是邻居、但平时体大的猫常常欺负弱小2663的老鼠!老鼠对猫往往也只是感怒而不敢言、而猫有个贪睡的毛病,接到玉皇大帝7368下的令后,老鼠窃喜:报复猫的机会终于来了!果不其然。猫叩响了老鼠家的门?请求老鼠在给玉皇帝祝寿时、叫醒它一同前往。老鼠满口答应下来,为了报复猫,到了正月初九清晨。老鼠便悄悄的1318出发了!   老鼠虽然起得很早。跑的也很快。但到了宽宽的河边面对着涛涛的河水、它发愁了。只好坐在河边等着其它动物渡河时。跳到它们的1070背上借助它们的力量渡河!等了好一会儿。最8705早出门的牛、默默地一步一步地走到了河边、老鼠趁牛泅入水中的瞬间。敏捷地跳到牛耳朵里!牛平时就以憨厚。善于助人为乐著称、因此它对老鼠这种投机行为毫不在意、渡过了河。老鼠觉得躺在牛耳朵里既舒服!又省力并没有跳下来的意思、天近傍午时。牛载5847着老鼠到了玉帝的家门外、   当牛刚要进门时!谁知老鼠迫不急待地从牛耳朵里窜出来。抢先跳到了玉帝面前、就这样。老鼠终于取得了第一名,而载了它一路的牛。仅获得第二名。稍后老虎,兔。龙。蛇!马!羊、猴、鸡。狗也陆续到达。猪虽然很蠢、但也按时到达。名列......余下全文>>,


  十二生肖的传说故事: 相传!混沌初分,天干地支刚定时!玉皇5512大帝下令普召天下动物!要按子、丑、寅、卯,辰!巳、午。未!申、酉,戌,亥十二个字的地支,选拔十二个属相、   消息传来、惊动了花猫和老鼠这两个相好的朋友。花猫对老鼠说:“明天五更去天庭应选。我有个贪睡的毛病,到时你可要喊我一声啊,”老鼠连声道:“好说!好说,”   可是第二天一早、不讲信义的老鼠却偷偷起床、不辞而别了、   这天。灵霄宝殿里禽兽如云集?开始应选!玉帝按天地之别,单挑了龙、虎。牛。马,羊!猴,鸡、狗、猪,兔。蛇,鼠十二种大家族水陆兽类来做十二属相!公鸡当时长着两只美丽的角,也被列入兽类里?   玉帝刚要给它们排下一次座次、只见班中闪出黑猪来、这老黑、别看生得笨嘴拙腮,8258却专爱惹事生非,它奏道:“明君既已选好十二首领。小臣愿意替君分担劬劳!当个公正人。为兄弟们依次排位!”玉帝闻言大喜。嘱咐黑猪要秉公而断,就退朝了、   玉帝一走!十二属相就闹成了一锅粥!   开头。大家一致推选温和。宽厚的老黄牛7523居首位、连威武的老虎,苍龙也敬它几分、表示同意,可是。缩在墙角的老鼠却钻了出来,提出抗议。它说:“论大数我大!不信咱到人间比试比试。听听百姓的评论。”于是老黄牛和老鼠来到街头闹市、    黄牛在人群中走过时,人们毫无反应!这时,老鼠“哧溜”一下子爬到牛背上、打起立桩来,街上的人们纷纷乱嚷:“好大的老鼠!”等人们拿出棍棒赶来扑打时、老鼠早已跑远了、   老鼠回来大吹大擂?众首领都替黄牛打抱不平,只有黑猪暗自高兴?它觉得只有这样大小不分!好坏难辨!才能鱼目混珠。自己也从中渔利,他大笔一挥、先排了老鼠。后排了黄牛、   一旁惹恼了老虎和苍龙!它俩大7250声喧叫起来!震得天庭发抖!众首领忙向龙和老虎朝拜,一致推选老虎为山中之王!苍龙为海中之王,统管天下,猴子为老虎写了“王”字金匾,挂在老虎前额上!公鸡把两只角1753送给了苍龙?从此。苍龙戴上了桂冠,老虎,苍龙有了人0329间权势!也就甘居老鼠和老黄牛之后了,这时,又跳出一个多事的野兔、它冷笑一声说:“嘿嘿,论长相我和老鼠差不多!论个子我比老鼠大,我是山王的护卫、,


  真知特识,必从科学而来    安贫乐道!。


  一,鼠   鼠目寸光  鼠牙雀角  鼠窃狗盗  鼠腹鸡肠  投鼠忌器  首鼠两端     猫鼠同眠  梧鼠之技  十鼠同穴  两鼠斗穴  穷鼠啮狸  偃鼠饮河   抱头鼠窜  獐头鼠目  虫臂鼠肝  过街老鼠  罗雀掘鼠  城狐社鼠   孤雏腐鼠  胆小如鼠   二!牛   牛刀小试  牛鼎烹鸡  牛鬼蛇神  牛骥同皂  牛刀割鸡  牛角挂书   牛头马面  九牛一毛  土牛木马  对牛弹琴  木牛流马  老牛破车   老牛舐犊  汗牛充栋  如牛负重  吴牛喘月  泥牛入海  童牛角马   问牛知马  蜗行牛步  鲸吸牛饮  目无全牛  卖剑买牛     三。虎   虎背熊腰  虎踞龙盘  虎口逃生  虎视眈眈  虎头蛇尾  虎落平川   虎口拔牙  虎入羊群  与虎谋皮  为虎作伥  为虎傅翼  如虎添翼     两虎相斗  放虎归山  画虎成狗  养虎遗患  调虎离山  谈虎色变     骑虎难下  暴虎冯河  绣虎雕龙  饿虎扑羊  抱虎枕蛟  羊入虎口   熊据虎跱  鲸吞虎噬  燕颔虎颈  狼吞虎咽  狐假虎威  三人成虎     投畀豺虎  照猫画虎  云龙风虎  乳狗噬虎     初生牛犊不怕虎   四!兔   兔起凫举  兔起鹘落  兔丝燕麦  兔死狗烹  兔死狐悲  见兔放鹰     见兔顾犬  狡兔三窟  龟毛兔角  乌飞兔走  守株待兔   五、龙   龙飞凤舞  龙肝豹胎  龙肝凤髓  龙马精神  龙蟠凤逸  龙蛇飞动     龙蛇混杂  龙腾虎跃  龙潭虎穴  龙骧虎步  龙骧虎视  龙行虎步     龙吟虎啸  龙跃凤鸣  龙争虎斗  龙驹凤雏  龙章凤姿  一龙一蛇   一龙一猪  土龙刍狗  生龙活虎  来龙去脉  画龙点睛  鱼龙混杂     降龙伏虎  活龙活现  屠龙之技  群龙无首  攀龙附凤  乘龙快婿   成龙配套  鱼龙变化  云龙风虎  元龙高卧  笔走龙蛇  骥子龙文   鱼质龙文  老态龙钟  云起龙骧  叶公好龙  药店飞龙  望子成龙   麟凤龟龙  痛饮黄龙  直捣黄龙  炮凤烹龙     六!蛇   画蛇添足  惊蛇入草  握蛇骑虎  佛口蛇心  杯弓蛇影  打草惊蛇   封豕长蛇  春蚓秋蛇  虚与委蛇   七!马   马不停蹄  马齿徒增  马到成功  马革裹尸  马工枚速  马首是瞻   马壮人强  马马虎虎  一马平川  一马当先  万马齐喑  万马奔腾   天马行空  五马分尸  仗马寒蝉  老马识途  汗马功劳  走马观花   饮马投钱  快马加鞭  金马玉堂  驷马难追  信马由缰  秣马厉兵   倚马可待  盘马弯弓  骑马找马  走马上任  大马金刀  兵强马壮   人仰马翻  人困马乏  人欢马叫  车水马龙  车殆马烦  兵荒马乱   蛛丝马迹  千军万马  风樯阵马  乌焉成马  招兵买马  非驴非马   金戈铁马  单枪匹马  盲人瞎马  指鹿为马  轻裘肥马  素车白马   害群之马  悬崖勒马  塞翁失马  弊车羸马     八、羊   羊肠小道  羊狠狼贪  羊质虎皮  羊落虎口  亡羊补牢  亡羊得牛   羚羊挂角  如狼牧羊  歧路亡羊   顺手牵羊  饿虎扑羊         九,猴   沐猴而冠  尖嘴猴腮  猕猴骑土牛  杀鸡吓猴   十,鸡   鸡虫得失  鸡飞蛋打  鸡呜而起  鸡零狗碎  鸡毛蒜皮  呜鸣狗盗   鸡犬不留  鸡犬不宁  鸡犬不惊  鸡犬升天  鸡犬桑麻  鸡不及凤   鸡骨支床  鸡尸牛从  鸡鹜争食  山鸡舞镜  ......余下全文>>?


  传说  十二生肖的由来流     传着一个神话传说:当年轩辕黄帝要选十二动物担任宫廷卫士、猫托老鼠报名!老鼠给忘了、结果猫没有选上,从此与鼠结下冤家,大象也来参赛,被老鼠钻进鼻子!给赶跑了!其余的动物!原本推牛为首!老鼠却窜到牛背上。猪也跟着起哄 !于是老鼠排第一!猪排最后、虎和龙不服,被封为山中之王和海中之王,排在鼠和饥的后面、兔子又不服、和龙赛跑!结果排在了龙的前面。狗又不平!一气之下咬了兔子!为此被罚在了倒数第二。蛇!马。羊!猴、鸡也经过一番较量,一一排定了位置,最后形成了鼠!牛,虎!兔,龙、蛇!马,羊!猴!鸡!狗。猪的顺序、。


  On the Lunar New Year story, is a very interesting topic, and the story is here, including the myths and legends, stories and so on.   In qualifying on the Chinese zodiac, why mouse small to large, it ranked first? First of all, let this issue of human philosophers and wise men of today's baffling: On the body, tiny mouse, people can play live to an open palm in the shares between the zodiac animals, it is the smallest a. ; Of brute force, with cattle strong, the mighty tiger, the dragon of the divine power, horses prance, it can not be the same day and language; on quality, ease of cattle, rabbits good, hard-working horse, the docile sheep, pigs Reality, it seems better than the rats many times; again on the wisdom of the smart monkey, a dog's intelligence, also in rats above. Said calmly, even the most vicious than anyone else, I am afraid that the snake is also the front row in the mouse. But the fact is that little mouse is the Zodiac's Top boss!   This issue is still pending, it was said today that probably only one explanation: the guy in charge of the Chinese zodiac Ranking is corrupt corrupt officials, he collected the rats have done a great trading power for money benefits of color when , the first gold corona increases in non-German non-heads only a small mouse. This, of course, is just a far-fetched joke. But indeed, the human has ne攻er found a convincing explanation. However, human after all, is the most intelligent animals senior animals,......余下全文>>。

英语对话视讯十二生肖 鸡的英语怎么说

英文原文: chicken鸡 英式音标: [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 美式音标: [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 十二生肖龙的英语故事。

