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失恋了,想把情侣网名改了,如果可以,希望可以和我的星座有关系,我是射手座的,想要很伤感的英语网名... 20分

Heartbroken Rain maimed Sagittarius物是人非事事休啊! 、


  1 I like playing basketball and playing hockey, I dislike playing football. Sometimes I like listening to music. My astrological sign is Sagittarius. I hope we become good friends. Thanks!   2 Next, please students questions.   就是这样喽!应该是介绍吧,O(∩_∩)O哈哈~射手座的的英语、




  Capricorn(the Goat)摩羯座   Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座   Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座   Aries(the Ram)白羊座   Taurus(the Bull)金牛座   Gemini(the Twins)双子座   Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座   Leo(the Lion)狮子座   Virgo(the Virgin)处女座   Libra(the Scales)天秤座   Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座   Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座!




  鼠:Rat、 牛:Ox! 虎:Tiger, 兔:Hare 龙:Dragon, 蛇抚Snake。 马:Horse   羊:Sheep, 猴:Monkey,鸡:Cock !狗:Dog! 猪:Boar!


  Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus订 Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs   Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche、


  十二生肖琴棋书画   The twelve zodiac fancies of men of letters   重点词汇   *   十二生肖Chinese Zodiac。


  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs   或   12 symbolic animals   十二生肖的英文表达   Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Monkey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪,


  Aquarius story: Aquarius tears     Iraq is the prince of Troy, is a handsome extraordinary young. His appearance is also are rare even.     Iraq does not love the human woman, his deep love is Zeus shrine in a pouring maid. This ordinary maid once in a night with wonderful song captured Iraqi heart, also took the Trojan town all girl's happiness.     Against the that girl's Helen, and Troy the city's most beautiful woman Helen with the same beautiful name. Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy's decision, Helen disregard precepts hurried to give news. Prince Iraq Results in the middle of the road was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple. Zeus wrench to put to death, but she decides to punish her. In his son of Apollo cues, Zeus decided to send this sin on giving Helen of Troy prince, cant.     One day, Zeus become an eagle, coming in Troy space. The sight of him saw in the back garden for a walk in the prince. Zeus startled, he had met with many beautiful goddess of earth and stunning woman, but have never seen such a handsome young man. Zeus was Iraq special temperament attracted deeply, a wicked thoughts arises spontaneously. He from swooping, pushed up Iraq, bring him back to the temple.     In the cold temple, Iraq see family also see Helen, he pined. While Zeus but persecuted for his Iraq instead of Helen drinks, so that he could see this beautiful boy ......余下全文>>?



