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  The British general price not expensive but have a memorable gift, don't send the lilies, because it means death. Receive gifts to open presents in front of everyone.   Americans send something to send singular and exquisite packaging. They think the snails and horseshoe is mascot.   The French don't send chrysanthemum flowers, azaleas, and yellow flowers; Don't send gifts with a crane pattern; Don't send walnuts. They think that cranesis a sign of stupid and walnuts are not auspicious.   Russian people send flowers to send singular. To entertain guests with bread and salt, friendly and respect. The most taboo to send money to other people, because it means giving and insult.   The Japanese FangQinWenYou, attending banquets will bring a gift. Receive, send gift   附中文:   英国人一般送价钱不贵但有纪念意义的礼物,切记不要送百合花,因为这意5510味着死亡、收到礼物的人要当着众人的面打开礼物!   美国人送东西要送单数,且讲究包装、他们认为蜗牛和马蹄铁是吉祥物。   法国人送花的时候不要送菊花。杜鹃花及黄色的花、不要送带有仙鹤图案的礼物,也不要送核桃?他们认为仙鹤是蠢汉的标志!而核桃是不吉祥。   俄罗斯人送鲜花要送单数!7706用面包与盐招待贵客,表示友好和尊敬。最忌讳送钱给别人、因为这意味着施舍和侮辱!。


  Long long ago, in the face of the earth there was a big drought: all the rivers and wells to dry up. Vegetation jungle also are dry, many people and animal are thirsty to death.   One night, a little girl holding a jug out of the house, for her sick mother to look for water. The little girl can't find it anywhere water, collapsed on the grass and fell asleep. When she woke up, picked up a jar at the jar was full, clear and fresh water. The little girl be overjoyed, really want to drink your fill, but another want, these mothers is not enough water to it, quickly ran home to hold water. She hurriedly, did not pay attention to the foot of a dog, suddenly stumble on it, the pitcher also fall in the underground. Bi puppy to scream. The little girl hurried to pick up tank.   She thought, the water must be spilled, but no, the jar squarely in lying on the ground, water in the pot is full. The little girl pour water in the palm of your hand a little, little dog lick it all the net, be glad. When the little girl to the pitcher, wood has become a silver pitcher. The little girl brought the tank home, to the mother. Mother said:" I'm going to die, or for you to drink." Jug and handed the little girl again. At that moment, and from silver jug was changed into gold. At this time, the little girl couldn't help, is to collect the pitcher to drink when, suddenly from the outside into a passerby, to discuss water to drink, the little girl swallowed a spittle, put the jug to passers-by. When suddenly from the pitcher out of seven large diamonds, then from the inside out a huge clear and fresh water.   And the higher the seven diamond more rose, rose to the sky, to become seven star, this is what people say the bear constellation.!


  Pisces     The sign of the fish. Pisceans are fairly free-flowing people. They often feel trapped[1] when they are not able to do the things that they want, or when things don't run smoothly and this makes them irritable. However, a piscean can make the best of[2] a bad situation if they really want to and blend in with their surroundings.   Pisces and winter is the zodiac constellation last. This is one of the people have their own unique way of silence. All happened in the world of your things, and even a strong interest in it is unreal. This thinking thought, makes you a tight mysterious aura, attracted a lot of people. You are in another kind of tide way to make money is totally ignorant, or sometimes pollution problem dishonesty. Pisces warm, flexibility and mysterious. A general idea of the poetic mood, inner sensitivity of the mysterious?

金牛 用英语怎么写?

  gold cattle。


  Birth: Sep. 23 - Oct. 22   Key Words   pleasing, balancing, socializing   Personality   Libra is very sociable and likes being a part of a group. Libras have gentle and refined personalities and like to be praised and pampered. Libras are perfectionists. They like to give a fair judgment when they hear all disputing sides. Libras are loyal, caring, nice, and adaptive. Libras are very trustworthy in friendships and relationships. Sometimes this makes them unreasonably possessive to other people. Libras like large, open spaces like halls and stadiums. They like to be out in nature. The sign is ruled by Venus订 Libras also are very devoted to what they do and always try to get things done with excellence. Libras are good judges, managers, writers and social workers.   Birthstone   opal, jade   Attracting Signs 8301  Aquarius, Aries, Taurus   Celebrities   Nahatwa Gandhi, Brigitte Bardot, Nietzsche,


3764  I was born in the year of the Rat. 我是属鼠的,


  命运   每5381个人的命运都不相同,或许。你曾抱怨过命运的不公。也或许,你嘲笑过命运的不自量力。为此、你可能甘为命运的奴隶!也可能自称命运的主人,然而我却认为、真正聪明的人,只做命运的朋友、   托马斯曾经说过:“每个人都有属于自己的那条路,都有能力不受命运的摆布,可人生的悲6238剧在于?别人让你走哪条路。你就走哪条路!”   回首历史的长廊。众多帝王将相自2950认为是真命天子!理所当然是命运的主宰者!于是!他们享受命运赐予他们的荣华富贵、至高权力、佳丽珍宝、而在他们沉迷于声色犬马之中时!沦为亡国奴。阶下囚的命运似乎成了必然、在这时!他们接受不0273了命运!大都悲惨地结束了一生、例如李煜。倘若他能精心治理朝政,在好运是提醒自己居安思危、那也0022不会留下那“一江春水向东流”的悔恨!忧愁6359与悲凉了!谦卑者密信于命运、在得与失时感慨命中注定。无能为力!高估了命运的力量、这2191大概是算命这个职业能经久不衰!生意兴隆的原因吧。这种人的一生活得很被动,   曾让力士脱靴。贵妃磨墨,天子调羹的他看清自己追求1123不到辅佐君王治理天下的命运后、骑着毛8553驴执着酒壶、欣然接受了命运、开启了另一扇命运之门:游览祖国的大好河山,传下千古不朽佳作、还有他、居庙堂之高时!施惠百姓、尽心尽力!处江湖之远时!也不自卑!自怜,紫檀。或一蓑青衣在雨中穿行,或在月下自嘲“但少闲人!惟吾两人耳”!还有许多人不屈从命运也不强求命运、只视命运为朋友!相伴相随走过人生路,我们感动,谢坤山接受了失去双臂!截去双腿!一眼失明的命运。但他不胆怯。靠智慧与努力自理生活!并创作了海内外有名的佳画、我们敬佩、已经成为9406华尔街明星的曾子墨。在摩根斯坦利的事业达到辉煌时。她不沉醉于命运安排的成功中、而投身凤凰卫视追求真正的生活?命运阻挡不了他对自身价值的升华、命运亦主宰不了他走向成功的道路!   命运。用肉眼看似不存在。却在每个人的心中深深地扎根,影响着人们对生活的态度,有的人“听天由命”、甘为命运的仆人、有的人狂妄自大!立誓主宰命运、然而。唯有做命运的朋友,才4825是一种理智的选择,将命运视为生命之礼吧?你不依属于它!也不能主宰它、你只能把它当做朋友!一路与他同行。去追求自我价值,   仅供参考 欢迎采纳 希望帮到你 记得采纳喔 :-D,


  人人都有一双手!人人都用手做很多事!作文 我的双手,有的人用来弹古筝,有的人用手打毛衣!有的人用手跳舞……!当然我也有一双灵巧的手。   我用我的手来画画,前几天我和妈妈去大统华买东西。不知道我怎么了。竟然逛到了美术室。我在4082这儿随便看看!突然。我看到了我最爱的——6541“名侦探”柯南的画!我把妈妈拉了来吵着让她买给我、回到家。我6528每天按照格子里的数字!把颜色一格一格地填上!每天我都会挤出时间画、终于!没过几天我就把那幅“作品”完成了、我8064把它送给了弟弟。他看了开心得一蹦三尺高不知道怎么谢我。我心想我的4227手真巧。   我还用我的手帮妈妈做家务、每天我都有好几样家务要包!比如收碗?拖地?洗碗?倒垃圾……就拿洗碗来说吧,我先4937加好水和洗洁精!把好几只碗一只一只地用清洁球刷一次,再用布把碗擦干净。再把碗里的水都到干、把这2287些碗放进柜子里,最后用布把水池和灶上的水擦得一干二净,妈妈过来一看、都惊呆了,连连都夸好,我想:我的手真灵巧。   我拥有这么一双灵巧的手,我为我感到非常自豪!我以后要多多用这双巧手为大家来干一点有意义的好事。希4539望每个人都有一双巧巧手。关于白羊座的英语作文,


  Aquarius story: Aquarius tears     Iraq is the prince of Troy, is a handsome extraordinary young. His appearance is also are rare even.     Iraq does not love the human woman, his deep love is Zeus shrine in a pouring maid. This ordinary maid once in a night with wonderful song captured Iraqi heart, also took the Trojan town all girl's happiness.     Against the that girl's Helen, and Troy the city's most beautiful woman Helen with the same beautiful name. Zeus loved Helen, although she is only a maid. But one day, Helen overheard Apollo and intelligence goddess Athena about destroy Troy's decision, Helen disregard precepts hurried to give news. Prince Iraq Results in the middle of the road was found, Zeus's guards were will Helen back to the temple. Zeus wrench to put to death, but she decides to punish her. In his son of Apollo cues, Zeus decided to send this sin on giving Helen of Troy prince, cant.     One day, Zeus become an eagle, coming in Troy space. The sight of him saw in the back garden for a walk in the prince. Zeus startled, he had met with many beautiful goddess of earth and stunning woman, but have never seen such a handsome young man. Zeus was Iraq special temperament attracted deeply, a wicked thoughts arises spontaneously. He from swooping, pushed up Iraq, bring him back to the temple.     In the cold temple, Iraq see family also see Helen, he pined. While Zeus but persecuted for his Iraq instead of Helen drinks, so that he could see this beautiful boy ......余下全文>>,


  1 当然好   2属鼠的人英语好的很、因为要学第二外语、才能不被猫逮到   3努力就有回报,汗水铸造成功、   在知识和汗水面前。人人平等,   祝福你心想事成。,

