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  Aires’s origin (3/21--4/19) In an ancient remote state, king and the empress divorces because of the disposition disagreement, again and has taken another female, what a pity this new empress inborn is good at envying, is unable to endure king pair of children who stays behind to the ex-wife to dote on in every possible way, therefore the evil plot forms gradually in her brain. Spring approaches, also will arrive the sowing seeds cultivation season, the new empress will fry the ripe wheat, transmits farmer who did not know the circumstances of the matter for the nation. Has already been thoroughly ripe wheat, regardless of how waters, applies fertilizer, certainly all is unable to send buds. Farmer who is kept in the dark, hundred thinks does not have its solution. The new empress on in this time, the dissemination related wheat swings the word, refers calls the wheat the reason that to be unable to germinate, is because this country has received the curse, but receives the curse all is because of the prince and princess's evil thought, has caused the day anger, causes the deity to the country the punishment. An individuality simple and honorable farmer tin, day! This also had! Because of the evil prince and princess, the national people all will sink into in the poor hungry abyss, this will be a how fearful matter! Very quickly, each place no matter the men and women, the whole families, all identically request king certainly to want to execute the prince ......余下全文>>。


  Aries (白羊座英文介绍) 白羊座- OR ARIES RISING (Ruled by Mars火星) Aries is the first sign of the zodiac(十二宫图)and its symbol is the Ram(公羊). Positive Expression People born under the sign of Aries are energetic, spontaneous and outgoing. They are often courageous (勇敢的), ready to go bold-headed and willing to take risk. Their optimistic and enthusiastic outlook makes them exciting and stimulating company. Since Aries needs to forge ahead, individuals born under this sign generally act on impulse, enjoy challenges and the spice of danger. They excel in sport and are virtually unstoppable. Negative Expression Since Aries 'acts first and thinks later' he/she often regrets his rash action at a later stage. Their impulsive (冲动的) and hasty nature makes them impatient, tactless(不老练的), quick-tempered and aggressive. Their 'me-first' attitude sometimes turns an assertive Aries into a rude, pushy and in extreme cases a thoughtless 'bully'. Physical and Sexual Characteristics Because Aries is ruled by the 'red' planet Mars, they often have a ruddy complexion with freckles and reddish hair. Aries natives' strong sex drive makes them passionate lovers, but their desire for conquest and the need to prove themselves can lead to a 'Casanova' or 'Femme Fatale' syndrome. However, they able to form stable relationships with those who respect their great need for independence. Romance Profiles The sign of the Ram is graced by the element of Fire, and if......余下全文>>、


  英文:Aries ; the Ram   起源:  宙斯为了奖励一支勇敢但又有些粗心的公羊,就将他高2524挂在天上。也就是今天大家所熟知的白羊座、   参考资料:百度词典 新浪——占星奇缘,


  Aries 白羊座, Taurus 金牛座, Gemini 双子座, Cancer 钜蟹座, Leo 狮子座, Virgo 处女座, Libra 天平座, Scorpio 天蝎座, Sagittarius 射手座, Capricorn ,摩羯座, Aquarius 水瓶座, Pisces 双鱼座   符号在下面的连接:   en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Astro_signs.gif     PS:   那就使Sgr啦~   请看下面:   英文名称:Sagittarius   英文简写:Sgr   位置:东经19.0 h 北纬 -25 o   最亮主星: 箕宿三 ( Kaus Australis )   重要天体: M8,M17、M20、M22   最佳观测:七至八月   中国星座: 箕宿!斗宿!天渊   大小排名: 15     射手座又称人马座处是黄道十二宫的第九个星座!位於天蝎座和摩羯座之间!周围较重要的星座还有蛇夫座!巨蛇座,天鹰座及南冕座等,太阳於每年的十二月十6537八日至一月十九日行经射手座!故冬至点亦落在这个星座中?在0019中国星座中!射手座裏有六颗星和北斗七星一样成一斗状!称为「南斗六星」、射手座在希腊神话中是一只上半身为人。下半身为马的怪兽!它是箭术的3491发明者。所以天空中的射手座是它张弓准备射箭的样子。如左图:     射手座最亮的星是射手 e 星「箕宿三」。英文学名为 Kaus Australis ( 阿拉伯语意为「南弓 ( Southern bow )」)。亮度 1.9!呈蓝白色,距地球有 88 光年!射手 e 与 d 及 l 等构成人马所持的弓!射座第二亮星为射手 s 星「斗宿四」( 英文名字是 Nunki )、亮度 2.0!呈蓝白色!此星在人8068马拉弓的右手手掌处?亦是南斗六5407星中最亮的一颗,Nunki 在古巴比轮时代被称做「在海洋尽头的星星」!而这裏指的海是指射手座以?brvbar;的天空、包涵了「水瓶座」。「摩羯座」!「海豚座」,「双鱼座」、「鲸鱼座」及「4630南鱼座」等范围、不难看出这些星座都和「水」有关!再来特别要介绍的是射手 b 星「天渊一」、肉眼看过去亮度为 3.9!它是一颗聚星、但其成员星彼此没有关连。6452和地球的距离也都不相同,不过肉眼看过去像似两颗亮度分别为 4.0 及 4.3 的远距双星。即 b 星「天渊一」及 b1 「天渊二」。     射手8144座在天文观测上是一个很重要的星座,因为我们银河系的中心正好位於射手座的方向。2120所以观测射手座时!我们可以看见银河正通过射手座的西侧!若用望远镜观察此方向上的银河,会发现恒星特别的密集!而且射手座的几个较亮的星星位於这部份、而这域亦是星云星团观测的宝库。其中最受摄影者喜爱的有 M8 「礁湖星云 ( Lagoon Nebula )」、M17 「亚米茄星云 ( Omega Nebula )」和 M20 「三裂星云 ( Trifid Nebula )」!其中 M8-礁湖星云用肉眼就可见到!在射手 l 星的西方、是银河中的亮星云!星云中还包含一星团!礁湖星团宽度约为满月的三倍。距地球约有 5200 光年、而星团部份。最亮的是 M22 星团!位在射手 l 星的?brvbar;方不远处!这是天空中第三亮的球状星团、在良好的天候下用肉眼也可看见,大小约为满月的三分之二!疏散......余下全文>>、


  Cute&cherry 可爱的樱桃 cute &melon可爱的甜瓜     Provence つ 暗眸°   Provence つ 雨碎°   Provence つ 伤神°   Provence つ 高傲°   Provence つ 肆虐°   Provence つ 浅笑°     Destiny. air /小青春   Destiny. air /小阳光   Destiny. air /小流年     心乱‖ ov3er !   心凉‖ ov3er !   心盲‖ ov3er ,   心酸‖ ov3er 。     繁华似锦▍poisoning゛   惜你若命▍poisoning゛   梦回旧景▍poisoning゛     繁惑° sorrow   凉薄° sorrow   魅惑° sorrow   淡然° sorrow   羁绊° sorrow   流年° sorrow     Skylar斯凯拉   Delilah 黛利拉     Sunflower゛旧萤火 -   GoodnIght゛淡年华 -   BonnenuIt゛浅时光 -     smile?半夏!   smile,蓝调!   smile,左岸,     higan bana(彼岸花)依然盛开 ζ   dandelion (蒲公英) 依然柔美 ζ   sunflower (向日葵) 依然灿烂 ζ     ゆ、 流苏 Forget。   ゆ、 素颜 Queen。   ゆ。 心动 Death!     亲,希望您能喜欢~~!


  Fortune tellers我是白羊座英文!


  用英语描述:the year in Chinese that corresponds with a person's year of birth once every twelve years.实际为中国的专有名词, 用拼音就好、Benming Nian!如同豆腐一词也是来源于中国,。


  这个问题我回答过几次   英语中,当谈个人出生的属相时,表达为“What animal sign were you born under ?你属什么,I was born in the year of the Cock / Mine is the Coak.我属鸡。”十二生肖的12种动物在汉语中只有一个:鼠:Rat!牛:Ox。虎:Tiger,兔:Hare、龙:Dragon,蛇:Snake。马:Horse!羊:Sheep、猴:Monkey!鸡:Cock!狗:Dog、猪:Boar。   请参考:[,


  twelve year animals.   十二生肖,


  他有一个水瓶He has a water bottle.!

