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   日期:5月21日--6月21阀   名言:和双子座的人谈一次恋爱。会让你一辈5848子难忘?像风一样   。   英文名:Gemini   守护星:水星   守护神:希腊——汉密斯 罗马——墨格利   属 性:风象星座阳性星座   符 号:罗马数字2   阴阳性:阳性   三方态:变动   代 表:敏捷思维。沟通,表达能力属于传授型人物。智慧和交际   本质象征:双胞胎兄弟   主要特点:双重性格!变化大   双子座的情人:机灵多变!可爱幽默、时时刻刻宠着双子   双子的最强力量:口齿伶俐!思考速度快,灵活性高。联想力强。深度思考、反应速度快。处事圆滑   最大缺点:性格古怪!容易紧张,投机取巧,善变,不够坚定   性格:双重性格、双重个性双子座的英文!


双子座 Gemini 白羊座 Aries 金牛座 Taurus 巨蟹座 Cancer 狮子座 Leo 处女座 Virgo 天秤座 Libra 天蠍座 Scorpio 人马座 Sagittarius 摩羯座 Capricorn 水瓶座 Aquarius 双鱼座 Pisces ,


  Aquarius 水瓶座 Scorpio 天蝎 Libra 天秤座 Virgo 处女座 Leo 狮子座 Cancer 巨蟹座   Capricorn 摩羯座 Sagittarius 射手座 Taurus 金牛座 Aries 白羊座   Gemini 双子座   黄道十二宫中的第三宫是双子宫!英语叫“Gemini”、在拉丁语中是双胞胎的意思、有一个歌唱组合叫做“简迷离”,就是取自双子座的名字。希腊神话中有一个著名的Castor和Pollux兄弟的典故、在一次搏斗中,Castor被杀,Pollux不愿比哥哥长寿!请求Zeus赐死,Zeus被他们的手足之情感动了,于是把他们变为天上的双子星座永远相伴,这两兄弟在英语中有一个合称,叫做“Dioscuri”,我们可以说:“Castor is one of the Dioscuri.”,“Castor”在天文学术语中叫做“北河二”,是双子星座双星中的一颗!并且是这组星中最明亮的,距地球约46光年。“Pollux”则叫做“北河三”,是双子星座中的一颗亮星、!


  lion   狮子的英文。   希望0408我的回答能对你有所帮助?

水瓶座英文缩写 为什么是Agr?

  缩写: Aqr   意思为: The Water Bearer   肯定是打错了!呵呵,


  archer 射手     Shooter 射击人员     Sagittarius 射手座     以上供您参考,希望能帮你您!。


  简称: Sco 英文: Scorpion     求采纳,


  Libra(the Scales)天秤座   Twelve Constellations (12星座):   1.Aquarius(the Water Carrier)水瓶座   2.Pisces(the Fishes)双鱼座   3.Aries(the Ram)白羊座   4.Taurus(the Bull)金牛座   5.Gemini(the Twins)双子座   6.Cancer(the Crab)巨蟹座   7.Leo(the Lion)狮子座   8.Virgo(the Virgin)处女座   9.Libra(the Scales)天秤座   10.Scorpio(the Scorpion)天蝎座   11.Sagittarius(the Archer)射手座   12.Capricorn(the Goat)山羊座。


  你好。是 lucky cats,Maneki Neko,DollarCat、


  Aires’s origin (3/21--4/19) In an ancient remote state, king and the empress divorces because of the disposition disagreement, again and has taken another female, what a pity this new empress inborn is good at envying, is unable to endure king pair of children who stays behind to the ex-wife to dote on in every possible way, therefore the evil plot forms gradually in her brain. Spring approaches, also will arrive the sowing seeds cultivation season, the new empress will fry the ripe wheat, transmits farmer who did not know the circumstances of the matter for the nation. Has already been thoroughly ripe wheat, regardless of how waters, applies fertilizer, certainly all is unable to send buds. Farmer who is kept in the dark, hundred thinks does not have its solution. The new empress on in this time, the dissemination related wheat swings the word, refers calls the wheat the reason that to be unable to germinate, is because this country has received the curse, but receives the curse all is because of the prince and princess's evil thought, has caused the day anger, causes the deity to the country the punishment. An individuality simple and honorable farmer tin, day! This also had! Because of the evil prince and princess, the national people all will sink into in the poor hungry abyss, this will be a how fearful matter! Very quickly, each place no matter the men and women, the whole families, all identically request king certainly to want to execute the prince ......余下全文>>?



