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  • 英语作文我最喜欢的电影十二生肖

      One of the world's most beloved action stars is calling it quits. At a Cannes press conference Friday for his latest film, Chinese Zodiac--his 100th movie--Jackie Chan told reporters he's giving up action films for good. "This will be my last action movie," the actor, 58, said. "I will ask my body how long I can go . . . I tell you, I am not young any more." Laughing he added, "I am really, really tired."The international superstar--who is famous for performing his own stunts--says he also takes issue with the extreme content seen on-screen today. "The world is too violent now," he explained. "It's a dilemma because I like action, but I don't like the violence." Chan is also hoping that by giving up his tried-and-true action star parts, he'll be able to expand his brand and take on more serious, dramatic roles. Little by little, the actor hopes he can show audiences "the real Jackie Chan.""I don't just want to be an action star, I want to be a true actor," the Hong Kong-born star revealed. "I want to be an Asian Robert De Niro. I want to get rid of my image. So, for the last ten years I've done other films like The Karate Kid, where I'd rather play an old man. I want the audience to know I'm not just about fighting or comedy, also I can act." Chan is best known for combining martial arts with slapstick comedy; the actor's daredevil tendencies make it difficult for him to be insured by movie studios. Chan currently holds the Guinness Book of World Records title for "Most Stunts By A Living Actor."、

  • 十二生肖用英语怎么说呀

      十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac     鼠 Rat   牛 Ox   虎 Tiger   兔 Rabbit   龙 Dragon   蛇 Snake   马 Horse   羊 Goat   猴 Money   鸡 Rooster   狗 Dog   猪 Pig     Rat charm, 子鼠   Ox patient, 丑牛   Tiger sensitive, 寅虎   Rabbit articulate, 卯兔   Dragon healthy, 辰龙   Snake deep, 巳蛇   Horse popular, 午马   Goat elegant, 未羊   Mon工ey clever, 申猴   Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡   Dog loyalty, 戌狗   Pig chivalrous. 亥猪!

  • 十二生肖英语怎么读音

      你好!   十二生肖   Chinese Zodiac!

  • 梦见上课学习英语,但是一个单词也不会

      梦3460见上课,预示着自己的前途发展道路山很顺利,   学生梦到自己正在上课。预示着读书运渐入佳境。将有指点迷津的同6707学出现,以此为契机,你8172的读书欲将大增!也就是说!你将会有很大的干劲和精力、。

  • 做梦梦见英语考试成绩通过。


  • 希腊神话关于大小熊星座的英语作文

      Long long ago, in the face of the earth there was a big drought: all the rivers and wells to dry up. Vegetation jungle also are dry, many people and animal are thirsty to death.   One night, a little girl holding a jug out of the house, for her sick mother to look for water. The little girl can't find it anywhere water, collapsed on the grass and fell asleep. When she woke up, picked up a jar at the jar was full, clear and fresh water. The little girl be overjoyed, really want to drink your fill, but another want, these mothers is not enough water to it, quickly ran home to hold water. She hurriedly, did not pay attention to the foot of a dog, suddenly stumble on it, the pitcher also fall in the underground. Bi puppy to scream. The little girl hurried to pick up tank.   She thought, the water must be spilled, but no, the jar squarely in lying on the ground, water in the pot is full. The little girl pour water in the palm of your hand a little, little dog lick it all the net, be glad. When the little girl to the pitcher, wood has become a silver pitcher. The little girl brought the tank home, to the mother. Mother said:" I'm going to die, or for you to drink." Jug and handed the little girl again. At that moment, and from silver jug was changed into gold. At this time, the little girl couldn't help, is to collect the pitcher to drink when, suddenly from the outside into a passerby, to discuss water to drink, the little girl swallowed a spittle, put the jug to passers-by. When suddenly from the pitcher out of seven large diamonds, then from the inside out a huge clear and fresh water.   And the higher the seven diamond more rose, rose to the sky, to become seven star, this is what people say the bear constellation.。

  • 霸气战队英语名字大全

    4368  1st_求虐丶,

  • 狮子座因为什么而学不好英语

      狮子座(拉丁语:Leo!天文符号:♌)黄道带星座之一。面积946.96平方度!占全天面积的2.296%。在全天88个星座中、面积排行第十二位,狮子座中亮于5.5等的恒星有52颗、最亮星为9798轩辕十四(狮子座α、英文名字为Regulus)!视星等为1.35!每年3月1日子夜狮子座中心经过上中天!   狮子座位于室女座与巨蟹座之间!北面是大熊座和小狮座、南边是长蛇座!六分仪座和巨爵座、西面是后发座!寻找狮子座、只要把连接北斗斗口的天权!天玑连起来!向西南方向寻找,就可以找到狮子座内比较明亮的几颗星,由南向北组成了“镰刀”(或问号在平面镜内成的虚像)结构、就是我们说0919的“狮子座大镰刀”?这几颗星相当于狮子的头部和前足。问号在平面镜内成的2887虚像下的那一点。就是著名的亮星——轩辕十四。   每年111964月中旬!尤其是14,15两日的夜晚!在狮子座问号在平面镜内成的虚像的弯曲部分的轩辕十一(狮子座ζ、英文名字叫Adhafera)的附近。会有大量的流星出现。这就是著名的狮子座流星雨。它大约每33年出现一次极盛!早在公元931年、我国五代时期就已记录了它极盛时的情景。到了1833年的最盛期!流星就像烟火一样在轩辕十一附近爆发、每小时有上万颗,以致第二天晚上有位农夫赶6935紧跑到屋外?看看天上的星星是不是都掉光了,   希望我能帮助你解疑释惑!、

  • 双子座的性格

      编辑本段双子座的个性   一!朋友多 & 孤独 有很多的朋友!可是“看似朋友很多,知心的却没有几个、”——这句话很深刻的形容了双子。 双子很能说话、他们跟任何层次的人可以天南地北的聊!可以聊得很八卦、也会聊一些很严肃的话题,比如今天又有某个明星怎样怎样了,隔壁班有多少美女帅哥?今年服饰的流行趋势之类的…… 可是注意了!他们都只是跟你聊一些不关自己的事——随便他们跟你说些什么!可是跟自己有关的都8852只是些皮毛而已。关于自己的事!他们几乎是不说的。就算说!也是说一些跟自己无关痛痒的事。当你想更进一步的了解双子!他们便会很自然的把话题给扯开! 一般来说双子的孩子都很早熟、他们对很多的东西都在乎得要命。可是表面上就是看起来什么都不在乎。双子并不是故意要掩饰自己——上面说过。这已经是一种习惯了、可是在外人看来他们便成了虚伪的人! 双子基本上是个很痛苦的人!表面上总是很有活力、很快乐的样子、可是没人的时候他们又总是很忧伤,双子总会被一种莫名的悲伤笼罩,但他们不会让别人发现、双2933子座的人很怕被伤害怕被抛弃,也怕带给别人伤害和不快乐!只能自己硬挺着一切?所以双子很神经质、精神脆弱。容易人格分裂。因为承受了太多的东西! 二。花心 & 冷酷无情 说起双子。就不得不提感情,双子是被众人所指的最花心最冷酷无情的星座、对于双子5018座的花心?完全是误传、但双子的这一生,似乎注定被感情牵绊。跟爱情纠缠一世的。用6692一句话给双子的花心做个总结:花心的极端就是痴心的可怕,该懂的人应该会懂、 至于冷酷无情、是因为他们很多事情没放在心上,也不大懂得人情世故,便留下了冷酷无情的罪名、殊不知双子座在和你相处的时候是多么的真心实意。其实双子是最平和的星座?可以不发生3484的冲突、都会尽量避免!双子也很少跟人吵架,他们讨厌吵架!若是因为一些生活上的琐碎小事吵架、那么双子就在吵完的那一刻就又会把这件事给忘了! 倘若双子真的跟你翻脸、那真是你的所作所为或所说的话让双子实在不能再忍受了?这时他们会很鄙视的看你一眼,然后头也不回地走掉——有时甚至会不给你留面子地离开!那时恐怕你一辈子也别想再和他们和好——就算有的双子碍于面子与你再成为朋友。但是他们对你已经鄙视到了极点,只不过维持着这一层不得不维持的“朋友”关系而已, 三,完美 & 简单 双子总是在追求着完美。当他们在某一时刻的做法起了争议时,虽然当时内心很跃然!可事后会不断的反思,直到心里。

  • 贝多芬的命运交响曲表达了怎样的感情

      生命是脆弱的。我们总试图与命运抗争!但又不得不折服在命运的足下!尽管如此4906很多人依然不会放弃、因为人类的本性及时如此。从《命运》震撼悲怆的旋律中能感受到希望的力量!这就是人生的动力、  5601 (一定要选我哦),十二生肖性格英语表达、十二生肖用英语怎么说呀