当前位置:畅意阁首页 >> 女人面相 >> 手相面相 >> 血型的英文简写都怎么写的?


  • 热水瓶的英文怎样翻译?

      翻译: 中文 ?? 英语   热水瓶 Thermos flask    字典:   a thermos bottle; a thermos; a vacuum bottle、

  • 血型的英文简写都怎么写的?

      Blood type、

  • 关于狮子座的英文短句

      Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.   狮子座是彻底的火相星座!火引发了创造、革新和领导的欲望,   狮子座个人魅力:   The sing of Leo presents us with the most spectacular personality in the Zodiac. A superlative statement usually invites contradiction, but in this case a comparison of the different types will prove this characterization to be correct.   The Aries person, nearest to the Leo makeup, does not have the majesty, the regality, and ability to command respect combined with love, so much a part of the Leo personality. If Aries natives are princes of the Zodiac, Leo natives are the kings.   The sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, reflects the character plainly shown in the symbol of the sing, Leo, the Lion. They are kingly people, heroic, and generous.   In appearance, they have a noble carriage. They are poised, commanding and gracious. The shape of the head is good, being neither too large nor too small. The features are usually high-bred, the eyes fine, and the hair tawny, golden or red. The figure is exceedingly elegant, and the limbs and extremities very finely modeled.   In this sign, as in Aries, the deviation from the high type is just a step down. Sometimes it is several steps down, but in any case, the primitive Leo type is a sort of caricature of his noble brother. This type has not the fine modeling of the noble type, but has rather a fleshy bulging figure, heavy and pompous in effect.   The high type of Leo personality is strongly executive. They have a natural c......余下全文>>。

  • 求很长的英文网名,越多越好

      我知道是我自己1309不懂你   咱在幼儿园得过的大红花丶   你象阳光`刺痛我的眼   禒要一直聆听你的心声   my Mr   庸人不疑-   心゛莫名的纠结   只知道你对我最好/   快乐的一刻胜过永恒的难过,

  • “因为他值得我信赖,也值得我依靠.” 用英文怎么说

      Because he is worthy of my trust, and it is worth my reliance,

  • 飞鸟与射手的爱情意义


  • 求翻译 , 七月份的尾巴 我是你的狮子座 , 英文 ,

      七月份的尾巴 我是你的狮子座   July in late, I'm your Leo.或者   The end of July, I'm your Leo.     另曾轶可演唱的歌曲《狮子座》中有相似句子:   “七月份的尾巴 你是狮子座   八月份的前奏 你是狮子座 ”     The end of July, you're Leo   The beginning of August, you're Leo     或者照常识我们可以说得更准确   July in late, you're Leo   August in Early & Mid, you're Leo     希望对你有帮助。!

  • 想和射手男分手,该怎么办?


  • 适合水瓶座的英文女名

      Gorgeous极好的。极美的意思   Lillian 丽莲。 希腊、 一朵百合花,代表纯洁,上帝的誓约   Rain(雨) 像雨一样纯洁   Lili(莉莉|丽丽)漂亮!青春   Lisa(莉莎7895)美丽!高贵   Jane (简)简单,清纯   Lucy(露丝)可爱?高傲   Jone(琼)像玉一样闪闪发光   Helen(海伦)聪明!坚强   Elizabeth(伊丽莎白)智慧。皇室贵族,善良   我个人喜欢这个!叫Aqua吧!是水平座英文单词的前两个发音、也是表示水。净水的前缀   我是瓶子座的1.29````````我的Vivian   不是水瓶的 还有 下面的   jolin 蔡依琳的名字   jacqueline(希伯来文)意为"追随者".感谢第一夫人,jacqueline给人的印象是黝黑,苗条,美丽神秘-富有,优雅善於社交的女子,迷人的魅力无法挡.   jamie(法语)"我爱"!james的女性型式.jamie是个受欢迎的中性名字.名为jamie的女孩通常是可爱,感性顽皮.   jane(希伯来文)悲怜上帝;也是john的女性名词.并不令人惊讶!人们心中的jane平凡无奇.这名字让人联想到普通,依赖,爱好园艺的邻家女孩.   janet 同jane.janet被人看做聪明活泼善於社交的女孩,脚踏实地是个可信赖的人.   jean 为jane的苏格兰形式.jean适合能力不错,可靠的女子的名字,可以是可爱女人味十足的!也可以是纯真带孩子气的.   jessica(希伯来)财富,jessee的女子名,大部份人认为jessica是个甜美,美丽,受欢迎的女孩,有些人认为她是个美丽骄纵的富家女孩、其他的人则认为她是个难以驾驭的女强人.   jessie为jasmine,jessica的简写;janet的苏格兰形式.jessie是个中性名字令人想起可爱运动型的女孩,   男孩子气,爱玩,善良,且聪明.   jennifer(威尔斯)"纯洁","美好"同guinevere.近来jennifer已变成一个受欢迎的名字.(有些人则认为太受欢迎了)人们认为jennifer这个名字非常适合可爱的金发啦啦队长,受大家欢迎,并受人喜爱.   jennyjennie 是jane,jennifer的简写,jenny被形容是有趣外向有著西方乡村气息的邻家女孩.但有些人认为jenny是,

  • 射手坐人的性格

      射手座性格特点:   射手座天真烂漫,活泼开朗。具有心无旁骛!全力投入一件事中的行动能力、这种个性使射手座得以学取各种经验和丰富的知识,成为有魄力有胆识的人!射手座希望自己能享受波澜壮阔、有深度有内容的人生!射手座会以敏捷的行动能力向着既定目标策马扬鞭!奋勇前进,心胸豁达!不受过去的桎梏是射手座的特点!。一等射手英文、血型的英文简写都怎么写的?