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  • 金牛座长属狗长大能做什么事业

      总而言之,你是一个外表温和、内心固执的人,且具有强烈的自信。虽然平易近人。但本质上是一个完全忠于自我的人。 A型金牛座的你在选择职业时、会首先考虑这份工作5412是否安定、能否长久。以及是否能以从容不迫的态度来工作。否则你便不会去应聘的! 由于你略欠开拓的精神,因此你比较不适合外交或业务方面的工作,但在会计。人事,总务等实务性工作上则可一展才华!会有忠实稳健的表现,你对数字的反应颇为灵敏,尤其是对金钱的概念相当敏锐、所以在金融界的成就也会比较高、此外!你的嗅觉及味觉也十分敏锐,对于美的事物感触能力7134也很强!所以也适合担任厨师、雕刻家,画家。设计师等艺术性的工作!你的歌喉也很不错,嗓音优美。感情丰富、如果朝声乐家或歌手的目标努力发展,也会有辉煌的成果,此7424外还有文物?古董、宝石鉴定!书法也是适合你的工作、成就都不凡, 女金牛座 适合打工的行业:银行业 厨师 会计 善变难测不可思议 金牛座的人固执,但很温和!工作上考虑很周详坚毅而务实,头脑很清晰,凡事不会胡乱来。不过金牛座个性太稳重!通常他们做事不够积极。是个慢郎中、需要有人在旁对他们多加鞭策。否则变得懒散和没大志气。 男金牛座 金牛座的朋友虽然意志力惊人,但为人固执!性格有点冷酷!更会亳不留情地还击阻挠他们前进的人,他们热爱生命!喜欢收藏贵重的东西。崇尚高级品味。他们会不1940顾一齐去完成目标!是很好的合作伙伴,若遇到困难、他们会送上慰问说:“事情不是你想得那么糟,只要你从这个角度去看。”出外工干或旅游时结识朋友!有利生意发展顺利, 职业: 广告总监、家具制造商!银行家,拍卖家。香料商及古董商、,

  • 双子座长大后最适合的职业是什么

      双子座最适合的职业Top 10Journalist 新闻记者Naturally nosy、 Gemini will want to get to the bottom of any story or idea. This makes them perfect for the profession of journalist. They are wonderful writers、 and can engage the reader with a compelling voice. No stone will be left unturned and facts will be checked thoroughly. Some will literally go to the ends of the Earth to get a story. As children they probably had ink all over their hands or sore wrists from typing at the computer.Translator 翻译Gemini is very proficient in languages。 knowing at least two. They may have lived in foreign countries or at least have a fascination with them. These silver-tongued devils are very articulate and have a talent for the art of translation. They are able to glean the essence from one language into another with ease. They work rather quickly and think fast which is necessary for this career.Talk Show Host 脱口秀主持The natives of this sign love to talk、 are lively and entertaining! and have a gift for the art of conversation. They are at home in many social situations and are never at a loss for words. This makes them naturals for the realm of broadcasting! and in particular radio and television talk shows. The only challenge will be to know when to pause and let their guests get a word in. Gemini is a naturally curious individual、 who is constantly seeking to know and understand.Public Relations 公共关系Gemini is very agile at dodging bullets and creating spin. They can be manipulative and are talented at being the spokesperson. This makes a career in public relations perfect for them. If they have to organize a fundraising event or orchestrate a communications plan! they will multitask with flair and verve. Sometimes their heads spin completely out of control, but somehow they manage to pull it all together.Novelist/Writer 小说家/作家A Gemini novelist would have to work very much alone, but this is a great path to take. They get very caught up in the world of ideas and storytelling. It's better to craft a novel or a work of creative non-fiction than resort to making up stories to tell around the water cooler. At the office they would be considered a sociopath。 but in the world of publishing, a brilliant writer. Gemini has an ear for conversation and gossip and will translate this into their work. Be careful what you reveal to a Gemini!Marketing Specialist 市场专员Whether tracking the buying habits of consumers or creating an ad campaign, this field is well suited to the big ideas of Gemini. They are fascinated by the behavior and habits of people, human nature。 and statistics. If you want to know what colors will make you hungry and what scent will turn you into a hottie, ask a Gemini in this field. They are also very good at sales and presentations and the art of persuasion.Copywriter 广告策划Because Gemini understands the mind of the public so well! they can write copy that is very effective. Their agility with words is second to none. They are able to convey in a few well chosen-phrases! the essence of a product or an idea. Play on words is involved in this specialty area of advertising. Mercurial Gemini is able to pull concepts out of a hat and build a bull's-eye campaign. Most people would fear the blank page。 but they consider it a challenge.Tour Guide 导游Gemini loves to ride at the front of the bus so they can talk to the bus driver、 so this job is a natural extension. They love to talk with their hands so they can easily point to landmarks and interesting sights along the way. In their spare time they can compile all kinds of interesting facts to entertain their travelers. Some prefer water travel、 and work in theme parks and on tour boats. For Gemini natives who prefer to stay in one spot。 they can work in museums or historical sites as interpreters and guides. At any rate! they can indulge their gift of gab to baffle tourists.Impressionist 印象派作家The best impressionists are probably Gemini natives. They can take on the personality of just about anyone. Masters of a host of accents and a repertoire of faces、 they are able to amaze and entertain their friends for hours. To get paid for making fun of famous people would be almost perfect. They do it all the time anyway! why not make a living at it. All those years in school of mimicking their teachers and sitting in detention would be worth it after all.Teacher 老师This is the quintessential job for Gemini. They get to talk all day、 read papers, or mark tests all night and pass on knowledge to young。 impressionable minds. They get to influence young children by making them learn all kinds of trivial facts. The kids will have to memorize poems that will stick with them for years! and they will have to find the hypotenuse of a circle (whatever that is、)! Gemini takes a certain amusement from making shy students face the class。 and boisterous ones sit quietly.,

  • 双鱼座长大后的房子是什么样子的


  • 金牛座分手后还喜欢对方是什么表现?


  • 天蝎座的女孩长大做什么工作好?


  • 金牛座女人的弱点是什么?

      金钱     大家首先想到的莫过于是金钱诱惑了。对于心地善良却爱惜金钱的金牛座来说、找个好朋友跟他借俯(最好有不太正当的理由加上高利息)!又借得理直气壮的。让他犹豫不决这就达到功效了,  5260 思考过程和下决定都太慢。要学习冒险精神和放开一些怀抱、但是千万别钻牛角尖。   婴儿也是女性的3647弱点之一,女性较易对喜欢小孩的男性产生好感!如果迎面来一位抱着婴儿的妇人!此时你去逗弄那婴儿。相信你的女伴必会感受到这份温馨,对你愈来愈有好感,   金牛座的女性 喜欢有经济实力又安稳的男人?最好的考验就是看他喜不喜欢又要花钱又要7554有耐心的小孩了,   知道什么是“牛脾气”吗,看看1246金牛座的男性就不难发现了,有些事情金牛座的男性决定下来。就不会去改变、虽然有时候是错误的决定,这个时候如果你试图说服他去改变但方法用的不当。让他觉得妻子一点都不尊重他、让他下不了台的时候、金牛座的男性也不会让你有台阶下的、你要回娘家。那你6785可得仔细想清楚!这个办法在这时候对金牛座的男性是不起任何作用的,     金牛座易被人利用的致命弱点   属于“被引诱”型 本来是想利9087用别人,9913没想到反而是被利用了,就是聪明反被聪明误,当他们动了贪念。或者是有利可图时!如果技巧没有对方好。反4210而让对方给吃了?那这种情况下!难免会觉得被7504利用了!     金牛座致命桃花弱点     弱势:尽管金钱用度上金牛自诩“好钢用在刀刃上”!但依然逃脱不了“守财奴”的形象?不要说爱情与金钱无关,想想看,如果自己遇到个一毛不拔的人。连买瓶酸奶也要AA制。不知道5277会不会浇熄那颗爱恋的心,     处方:再吝啬的牛牛也要记得几个重要日子:如生日!第一次约会的时间,情人节、要记住:礼物有贵贱、时机更关键。,

  • 十岁男孩喝蜂蜜水长大后能影响生育吗


  • 金牛座小气吗?

      哪有啦..金牛虽然爱财但是不拜金的~! 额 就我自己来说的话 我平时用钱都大手大脚的 而且也不是不舍得为别人用钱的 但是如果和我关系不是很好 我就不是很大方啦 呵呵 其实金牛座的人么 总的来说是不愿意花钱 我们不喜欢的坚决不会在这上面花钱 喜欢的无论如何 都会愿意的 o(∩_∩)o... 希望你不要误会金牛很小气喔    采纳哦?

  • 有哪些女明星是金牛座的

      4.21金巧巧、蔡飞雨   4.22戴佩妮?曾恺玹,弦子、张梦儿(快乐女声)。孙骁骁(湖南卫视节节高声...主持人)   4.23李光洁,张芯瑜。秀兰·邓波儿   4.24金贤珠(韩),唐宁(快乐女声)凯莉·克拉克森   4.25蕾妮·齐薇格、王希维   4.27李翊君、宁静。铃木杏!蓝洁瑛,敬一丹,杨丽坤   4.28杰西卡·阿尔芭。董晓燕   4.29江语晨、乌曼·玛瑟!田中裕子,武藤采末(日)。李凤绪   4.30李芯逸。梅婷。克尔斯滕-邓斯特、   常盘贵子(日),崔贞媛(韩),刘惜君   5.1牛莉、陈德容,本上真奈美!林立雯。有里知花(日)   5.2梁心颐(南拳妈妈)。宣美(Wonder Girls) 、郑朱莉   5.3南相美   5.4 胡慧中。奥黛丽·赫本、曾格格(中国著名笛箫演奏家)、小史可   5.5王君馨!吴美珩!周冰倩   5.6谢娜,文根英(韩)吉田美和(日)   5.7翁美玲、小沈阳(沈鹤)、钱韦杉,杨童9945舒   5.8李小冉,喻佳丽、蒋欣   5.9平原绫香。大桥望(日)、徐筠。秋相美(韩),   5.10何韵诗,金南珠3901(韩)!李孝利(韩)。志田未3005来(日)!张玉嬿。祖海。林以真、   5.11杨钰莹。圣洁·凡蕾丝(澳大利亚)。陶红。王海燕   5.12凯瑟琳·赫本   5.13曲比阿乌(彝族女歌唱家)!井上和香(女优,写真偶像!主持人)   5.14王茜、陈淑桦。索朗旺姆,孙芸芸   5.158894李顺圭?0807藤田惠美   5.16珍妮·杰克逊,梅甘·福克斯,邱淑贞!酒井彩名   5.17莫琳欧莎莉文   5.18王珂   5.19赵咏华,朝美穗香(日),。

  • 金牛座女生的致命弱点和特点是什么?

      呵呵,楼主是金牛座的吗。现在献上答案哈!金牛座的女生致命弱点是:金牛座:金钱   大家首先想到的莫过于是金钱诱惑了!对于心地善良却爱惜金钱的金牛座来说,找个好朋友跟他借钱(最好有不太正当的理由加上高利息)、又借得理直气壮的。让他犹豫不决这就达到功效了! 但这点并不是所有人都这样哦。我得个同学就不,2。金牛通常都是慢热的!要花一段时间才会适应一份感情。一份工作!一个环境、但适应了之后!他们甚少会改变!除非迫3084不得己。3、倔强。任性,金牛的倔强有时会使人烦恼,金牛认定的事就绝不回头、不过在某些方面也是金牛们的优点哈!特点1,金牛座的人有艺术细胞!具有高度欣赏任何艺术的品味,2,精力充沛,体态优美!生活欲望强烈3。拥有高超的2784烹饪技术4,非常热爱绿色植物和可爱的小动物5!生活充满恬静,这应该也算哈、呵呵。楼主!我就知道这么多啦、希望解决了你的问题,同时希望你采纳我为满意答案、先谢啦、、金牛座长大当成是什么、双子座长大后最适合的职业是什么