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  • 12星座 的英文缩写分别是什么?

      处女座 Vir 宝瓶座 Agr   白羊座 Ari 巨蟹座 Cnc   摩羯座    Cap        双子座 Gem   狮子座 Leo 天秤座 Lib   双鱼座 Psc 天蝎座 Sco   金牛座 Tau 射手座 Sgr,

  • 招财 进宝的英文分别是什么?

      May you walk the path of prosperity.!

  • 狮子座的英文是什么?

      Leo   [5li(:)Eu]   n.   狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等), [天文]狮子座   LEO   =Low Enrichment Ordinary Water Reactor 低浓缩普通水反应堆   Leo   Le.o   AHD:[l¶“½]   D.J.[6li8*&]   K.K.[6lio]   n.(名词)   A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.   狮子(星)座:北半球的星座。靠近巨蟹座和处女座,包括轩辕十四和德尼波拉这两颗明亮的星   The fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology.   (占星术中的)狮子宫:在占星术中黄道十二宫的第五宫   One who is born under this sign.Also called Lion   出生于狮子宫时段的人也作 Lion   Latin Le½}   拉丁语 Le½}   from le½} [lion] * see lion   源自 le½} [狮子] *参见 lion   Leo   [5li(:)Eu]   n.   利奥(男子名)   【天】狮子座; 狮子宫   Leo minor   【天】小狮(星)座   LEO   =Low Enrichment Ordinary Water Reactor 低浓缩普通水反应堆   Leo   Le.o   AHD:[l¶“½]   D.J.[6li8*&]   K.K.[6lio]   n.   A constellation in the Northern Hemisphere near Cancer and Virgo, containing the bright stars Regulus and Denebola.   The fifth sign of the zodiac in astrology.   One who is born under this sign.Also called Lion   Latin Le½}   from le½} [lion] * see lion!

  • 水瓶座的对立星座是什么?

      狮子座   两个星座根本都是相反的嘛、   一个难以捉摸,一个个性鲜明,一个喜欢人人平等,一个喜欢支配人,一个低调行事,一个高调行事,一个实际!一个浪漫!一个随和、一个专制!怎么看都像是对着干的!而且两个星座都还想让对方臣服!所以想不对立都很难咯!!

  • 水瓶座属狗的女孩的性格是什么,越具体越好

      水瓶座/肖狗   基本个性   水瓶座肖狗者是只圣伯纳型的狗,他会照料事情!在别人需要时伸出援救的手!宽慰别人的哀愁忧伤。体念那些较自己不幸者的遭遇!在所有这些慈善行为与表面看5793来无私的行动中,水瓶肖狗者也同时花费很大的精神去照顾自己、   水瓶肖狗者乐意为别人排解困难!他们寻找需要帮助的人为伴!他们寻找牵扯不清的情感关系并永远受其3172重复的考验、他们乐于提供建议并表达自己的意见,水瓶肖狗者既吵嘈又性急,他们追求他们所想望的。并且不怕占别人便宜、他们相当轻率而残忍!   这位肖狗者有种愤世嫉俗的倾向,他相当善于批评、而几乎是自以为是的道德主义者,但是他是位操心者,水瓶属性想要帮助这位肖狗者!让他有喘息的时间!并指引他如何保持冷静远离外在环境所引起的痛苦、避开哲学的混浊,探索自己的敏感性、依循已有的2146复杂思维?了解并接受自己!   水瓶座肖狗者以创作力与己身敏锐的神经质作战、这种人沉浸于辛勤的工作中、虽然有时显得零散?他们总是充满精力不断地在行动、基本上他并不稳定,而唯有在解开他受缚的复杂环节上才能显得意气风发,他没有心机而过于坦白。他是位注重社交攀援的人,颇为在意同僚的赏识、虽然他常抱怨生活2251的压迫与不公,他却是第一个从中受益的人,他的幽默感既辛辣又具讽刺性。   爱情   水瓶肖狗者常使自己陷入复杂而阻碍频数的情感关系中!他会与2871位已婚妇人交往。并使之相信她是如何地不被善侍、要她尽速离婚,然后却宣称他自己已经结婚、又或者他会为了要使某人远离酗酒而与之结婚、结果婚姻失败而以愤恨与抱怨结束!这种人寻求自己的兴趣!但以相当复杂的手段行事、他们生性忠实、但如果他们同时与三个人结婚、这!你不能说这不可能,要成为这种人的对象!你必须也相当疯狂。   适合共处的对象   你能与肖虎的白羊。双子与射手座者相处,肖马的双子。天秤与射手座也受你的吸引。肖鼠的白羊者需要你全心的协助、你也能与肖兔的天秤与射手座者相处、不要投入肖龙的金牛,狮子0639或天蝎座者的怀抱中!肖羊或鸡的狮子座者并不适合!   职业   水瓶肖狗者如多数水瓶者般喜欢独自工作,他们能胜任生意方面的事情,这种人在口译上颇有秉赋。可在社会工作上表现杰出!他绝对的具有现代思想、且诚挚地希望这个世界不是这样一个糟糕的地方!如果让其独自行使其特有的训练时。他表现奇佳。适合的工作有渔夫!牧牛者。社会工作者,医生。作家、编辑。出版家,录音工程师。心理医师、教师或神职人、

  • 求有关于命运的的金典电影台词。英文的。

      经典英文电影台词 ~ 有必要都背下来!英语会很强悍 ~ ㈠《Shawshank Redemption肖申克的救赎》 1.You know some birds are not meant to be caged, their feathers are just too bright. 你知道。有些鸟儿是注定不会被关在牢笼里的,它们的每一片羽毛都闪耀着自由的光辉, 2.There is something inside ,that they can't get to , that they can't touch. That's yours. 那是一种内在的东西, 他们到达不了,也无法触及的,那是你的, 3.Hope is a good thing and maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies. 希望是一个好东西,也许是最好的,好东西是不会消亡的。 ㈡《Forrest Gump 阿甘正传》 1.Life was like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get. 生命就像一盒巧克力、结果往往出人意料! 2.Stupid is as stupid does. 蠢人做蠢事、也可理解为傻人有傻福! 3.Miracles happen every day. 奇迹每天都在发生? 4.Jenny and I was like peas and carrots. 我和珍妮形影不离、 5.Have you given any thought to your future? 你有没有为将来打算过呢! 6. You just stay away from me please. 求你离开我。 7. If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away. 你若遇上麻烦、不要逞强、你就跑!远远跑开, 8. It made me look like a duck in water. 它让我如鱼得水。 9. Death is just a part of life, something we're all destined to do. 死亡是生命的一部分、是我们注定要做的一件事。 10. I was messed up for a long time. 这些年我一塌糊涂、 11. I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floating around accidentally―like on a breeze. 我不懂我们是否有着各自的命运,还是只是到处随风飘荡、

  • 水瓶座最好职业是什么?


  • 起猫咪名字英文 朗朗上口 好听

      公猫   白羊座   Charles。Mark。Bill。Vincent。William。Joseph。 James,Henry,Gary, Martin。     金牛座     Fred,Gary,William、Charles、Michael。Karl     双子座   Bob!John!Thomas,Dean,Paul!Jack。Brooke     巨蟹座     Kevin,Louis,John!George!Henry,Benjamin     狮子座     Robert,Carl。Scott、Tom!Eddy。Kris、Peter     处女座   Johnson,Bruce、Robert,Peter、Bill,Joseph。John     天秤座     Burt、Charlie,Elliot!George、Johnson     天蝎座     Richard,James。Charles。 Bruce。David     射手座     Nick,Walt,John、Mark。Sam,Davis,Neil、Carl, Lewis!Billy      摩羯座     Richard,Howard Allen!Johnny、Robert!Martin,Jeff     水瓶座男性   Paul。Sam。Francis,Lewis。Stephen,Andy、Scott     双鱼座   Albert。Kevin,激ichael,Taylor、Jackson,Jack。Jimmy、Allen!Martin, Vincent     母猫   tamara的简写.人们认为tammy是可爱。年轻,甜美,好玩,奢侈.     tess为tessa,teresa的简写.tess这个名字给人两种印象:一是肥胖简朴的农村妇女,二是娇小,害羞,美丽的长发女孩.     teresa(希腊)收获者.teresa被形容为美丽,文静,直接,而且有著极虔诚的信仰.     tiffany(希腊)上帝的外表.人们认为tiffany适合娇小美丽,富有,世故,轻浮,     tina以"tina"或"tine"结尾名字的简写.大部份的人把tina形容为活力充沛.有人则认为tina是被宠坏又害羞.     tracy(爱尔兰)作战者。(拉丁)有勇气的,resa的简称.tracy被描绘为可爱喜欢运动,有自信的掌事者,喜欢寻找乐趣,有良好的教养.     还有:   Tamara塔玛拉   Tammy苔米 (Tamara的昵称)   Tess苔丝 (Tessa,Teresa的昵称)   Teresa特莉萨   Tiffany蒂凡妮   Tina蒂娜   Tracy特蕾西?

  • QQ英文酷一点的网名伤感一点

     5330 A remnant of sorrow. 中文:悲伤残!

  • 关于狮子座的英文短句

      Leo is Fire to the core! Fire brings a desire to create, innovate, and lead.   狮子座是彻底的火相星座、火引发了创造。革新和领导的欲望,   狮子座个人魅力:   The sing of Leo presents us with the most spectacular personality in the Zodiac. A superlative statement usually invites contradiction, but in this case a comparison of the different types will prove this characterization to be correct.   The Aries person, nearest to the Leo makeup, does not have the majesty, the regality, and ability to command respect combined with love, so much a part of the Leo personality. If Aries natives are princes of the Zodiac, Leo natives are the kings.   The sign of Leo, ruled by the Sun, reflects the character plainly shown in the symbol of the sing, Leo, the Lion. They are kingly people, heroic, and generous.   In appearance, they have a noble carriage. They are poised, commanding and gracious. The shape of the head is good, being neither too large nor too small. The features are usually high-bred, the eyes fine, and the hair tawny, golden or red. The figure is exceedingly elegant, and the limbs and extremities very finely modeled.   In this sign, as in Aries, the deviation from the high type is just a step down. Sometimes it is several steps down, but in any case, the primitive Leo type is a sort of caricature of his noble brother. This type has not the fine modeling of the noble type, but has rather a fleshy bulging figure, heavy and pompous in effect.   The high type of Leo personality is strongly executive. They have a natural c......余下全文>>!水瓶座的英文是什么、招财 进宝的英文分别是什么?