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  • 梦见回到家乡高兴一

      梦见家!事业和生意都会发生好转!   梦见回到家乡高兴、一点小小的探险心意外发现不同乐趣的预感、周围环境中的一些小变化中就藏有小惊喜、不妨就由更改一下上下课时的路线开始吧。不过在外或许到处去满足好奇心无所谓,但是回到家里却最好乖一点!在外活泼!在家安静!这就是这两天愉快度过的秘诀了!!

  • 梦见家乡停了好多飞机

      梦见家乡停了好多飞机意味着:   承诺过的事情会因为突发的情况发生改变。这两天要被别人“放飞机”8277的心理准备、而且过错也4370往往不在对方、还是不要计较、宽容地放过去吧、自得其乐。是这两天开解自己的好办法,有没有想过买点小礼物送给自己、   梦见家乡停了好多飞机的吉凶:   基础运吉、境遇可稍安定、因勤勉而有一时之大成功、但成功运劣,以致不能有所伸张发展?且恐有再败之兆。若人格或地格有凶数者、恐交通生祸或陷于体弱病难、或急功招败,或凶变遭难、祸端危害之虑!【吉凶相抵】!

  • 梦见家乡木塔着火


  • 有关十二生肖的知识,故事或传说,用英语写

      The legend of 12 Chinese zodiac?

  • 2010年六级考研真题作文,越来越多的人关心星座,请写一个关于星座的英语利弊的六级作文 5分

      For confident Gemini speaking, he is also very insecure, this is Gemini peculiar contradiction. He likes to keep himself inundated with live, not let myself be exposed. For Gemini speaking, if in a still don't know the expose yourself before, was equal to let others grasp his challenger. So they lost certain advantages. When Gemini feel dugu sad, will only a person hide in the room cry, or a man depressed.     Gemini also very be afraid to be hurt, many times myself to bear all, also do not wish others grab his challenger. So as time passes also has a habit. Gemini basically also is a very painful. On the surface is always very energetic and happy appearance, but nobody when he is always very sad. Gemini is always a sense of sorrow over. But he won't let others discovered, he feared to be hurt, also afraid of being abandoned, can oneself dull color.gives everything. So Gemini very nervous, spirit fragile, easily split personality, because have suffered a lot of things.     Generally speaking twin children are premature. Gemini for many things are care about desperately, but on the surface is looks don't care about anything. Gemini doesn't mean to disguise themselves, it says, this is a kind of habit, but in the stranger seems he became false man.     Gemini is known to be the most flower heart, the most ruthless of the zodiac. Actually to Gemini's flower heart, don't really want to know what to say. Explain too much, tired, and impatient. But speaking of Gemini......余下全文>>!

  • 用英语写一篇以student为题的五行诗


  • 外国人常用的名字的意义,要英语解释的 10分

      美国人名字TOP50名   排名 英文名 中文含义   1 Aiden 火热的、热烈的   2 Jacob 替代者、替补者   3 Ethan 坚定的,有力的   4 Matthew 上帝的礼物   5 Nicholas 人民的胜利   6 Jack 上帝是尊贵的   7 Joshua 天神的拯救   8 Michael 神一般的   9 Ryan 小国王   10 Andrew 男子气的   11 Caden 战斗   12 Tyler 制砖瓦的人   13 Dylan 传说的海上英雄   14 Jaden 感恩的。绿石   15 Zachary 天神铭记的   16 Connor 爱狼者   17 Logan 小洞,凹地   18 Caleb 忠诚的。勇猛的   19 Noah 休闲的!舒适的   20 Alexande 人类的卫士   21 Jackson JACK之子   22 Brayden 广阔的草地   23 Lucas 带来光的人   24 William 坚定的卫士   25 Nathan 施予者   26 Joseph 上帝将再赐子   27 Justin 正义,法律   28 Daniel 神为吾法   29 Benjamin 南方之子   30 Christopher 背基督的人   31 James 替代者,替补者   32 Gavin 阿瑟王的武士   33 Evan 天神尊贵优雅   34 Austin 至高尊严   35 Cameron 歪鼻子   36 Brandon 剑37 Mason 石匠   38 Luke 光明   39 Anthony 无价的、珍贵的   40 Christian 基督追随者   41 Gabriel 神是吾力   42 Owen 年轻的勇士   43 David 可爱的   44 John 上帝尊贵   45 Jonathan 天神赐予   46 Samuel 太阳的侍从   47 Sean 天神仁慈   48 Hunter 猎手   49 Elijah 杰出。上帝0099吾主   50 Thomas 孪生子,

  • 十二生肖用英语怎么说分别说出每个动物的名称

      十二生肖 Chinese Zodiac     鼠 Rat   牛 Ox   虎 Tiger   兔 Rabbit   龙 Dragon   蛇 Snake   马 Horse   羊 Goat   猴 Money   鸡 Rooster   狗 Dog   猪 Pig ...,

  • 以猫为题目英语五行诗

      I love three things in the worldThe sun, the moon and youThe sun for dayThe moon for nightAnd you forever、

  • 英语五行诗关于电脑的

      computer   convenient expensive   playing learning chatting   improve people's living conditions   fabulous   这样可以吗!梦见我的家乡英语、梦见家乡停了好多飞机