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  • 我是女生,有男朋友恋爱期间,梦到自己做梦生孩子,生了女孩然后她长大到5.6岁的样子,做了我伤心的事

      做梦是入睡后大脑皮层未完全抑制、脑海中出现各种奇幻情景!是人类的一种正常生理现象!     某些书籍中可能会告诉你梦跟现实是有联系的,但是科学研究显示,梦境只会是人类现实生活的投射。有些是正常投射、5203有些会因为压力,紧张等情绪在梦境中演变成奇幻甚至恐怖的场景,     题主你的梦境只是你日常生活的一种正常投射、之所以你会做这样的梦,估计是因为你和你男朋友感情太好,平时偶尔聊到或者你偶尔想跟他生孩子了吧,至于说孩子在梦境里做了很不好的事情。也有可能是你最近看了很多关于熊孩子或有关孩子教育问题的内容。你担心将来你的孩子会不会也变成那样!     孩子的教育还是等你们都准备好了再考虑!梦终究是梦。不会对现实造成影响的,说不定你将来的孩子会是一个才貌双全的天才呢?对吧、     所以啊、不用担心!平时该干嘛干嘛去,多找男朋友聊聊天,增进下感情!争取快点一起迎接新生命的到来(一定要结婚后才能让小生命出现啊)。!

  • 梦见自己家养的猪长大了


  • 巨蟹座男长大了帅吗


  • 命带驿马星一定会奔波么?

      济缘算命原创文章:驿马星,四柱神4609煞之一!在古书当中是这样解释驿马星出现及其作用的!查法:以年支或日支为主,看四柱中其他地6908支有的就属于命带驿马星!申子辰马在寅, 寅午戌马在申,巳酉丑马在亥, 亥卯未马在巳、也就是说、申子辰年出生的。驿马在寅木,申子辰日子出生的,驿驿马也在寅木。书中解释:古时驿站为传递官方文件的机关, 驿马为传递文书的交通工具, 所以驿马通常是代表动态?8098人命吉神为马, 大则超迁之喜, 小则顺动之利, 凶神为马, 大则奔蹶之患, 小则驰逐之劳, 逢冲譬如加鞭, 遇合等于掣足, 行运流年亦然。 "马奔财乡, 如发猛虎", 是讲马星逢流年大运之财也, 马生财, 必然大发其财, "马头剑,威震边疆"指时为马星, 日元临壬申或癸酉日、 "5295马逢鞭寨, 身不安闲",鞭寨,指马7740星在时上!人命逢驿马, 主迁移经营好动, 大益求名求利, 最畏羊刃血光。逢天禄正禄魁罡, 聪明高贵, 逢病败死绝, 自投江湖或流徙远方。贵人马多升擢、常人马多奔波!驿马生旺, 主人气韶凝峻, 通变超时, 平生多声望, 死绝则性情有头无尾或是或非, 一生少成, 漂泊不定。与禄同乡则福力优游, 与杀相冲并, 或孤神吊客丧门并者, 离乡背井之人, 或为僧道, 或为商贾、 带倒食禄鬼, 一生悭吝, 机性过贱。与食神冲并者, 声譬如人也, 行年遇马与病符同, 主病惊!与官符同, 主官事惊恐!入宅舍, 主口舌惊恐。马为走动, 奔驰之象, 四柱逢之主人好动, 必有走遍东西南北之行, 故商人,军人, 外交人员经常出差, 走动多者, 迁居不止者, 多带马星.。马星还为出国之标志!马星被合有则如无, 马星受冲者, 日奔千里,妇女马星多者, 更是身心不安, 住不安处, 为不利之象!(记得这句话是邵伟华书上写的)以上大致是一些书中对于命带驿马或者是命逢驿马的解释!似乎有点云里雾罩的、玄乎其玄!实际这种解释!或者是说法过于偏颇和迂阔,看了跟没看是一样的?自己说到最后也没有说明白这是个什么东西!而自己也是没搞明白这究竟代表了个什6401么意思?也就是说,不论是祖师爷也罢,二把刀也罢!都是在糊弄自己也糊弄别人。上面所说的驿马星的概念是脱离五行本质的,也就是说这属于近2490乎迷信的范畴、不是以五行学说为基本思路的一种对命运的解读。完全脱离了命理学的范畴、甚至说,只是借助这种形而向上0244的字面意思!来达到一种隐约解读命运的目的、最后是求测者云里雾里,读者云里雾里。命理师也是云里雾里!蒙对了就蒙着了,蒙不着也能搂一棍子、所谓出现在命主带着驿马奔波信息的!只有寅申巳亥四个地支,也就是说,由于寅申巳亥这四个地支属于阴阳能量交替渐长之际、能量比较复杂!会形成季节之间的交替冲击?由于四个地支藏气比较复杂!而且气势6594上处于提拔之际,所以才会产生更猛烈的冲击!通常是这样来理解驿马!也就是地支逢冲的!如果是基于这个原理,那么子午卯酉之间也是地支逢冲,而且是专气逢冲。冲击的速度和激烈程度一点都不比寅申巳亥要弱、而且子午逢冲,卯酉逢冲。都属于专气对应,你死我活之象,更5850加剧了这种波动的信息?所以。命带驿马实际上是一种命局地支逢冲战克不稳定的信息、通常2570根据这种信息来判断命主在事业和生活当中的活动范围和活动能量、由于地支逢冲的比地支安静的活动量较大、整日闲不住,或者好动、不能安静。才称之为‘驿马’,真正命带驿马的查法:申日遇到寅木,8001寅日遇到申金?巳日遇6564到亥水、亥日遇到巳火!子日遇到午火,午日遇到子水?酉日遇到卯木,卯日遇到酉金,真正的命带驿马应该是根据地支来判断的!还是以日支为......余下全文>>、

  • 刘苜言这个名字好听吗,怪吗?


  • 怎样的八字才有文昌星


  • 十二星座长大的成就排行榜

      一、魔羯座——万王之王、 坚忍 智谋 冷静 ?行动力、判断力、观察力,耐性!荣誉感,独立性。自尊心、 脑筋深沈、野心勃勃。追求高难度的理想,有强烈的责任感和企图心,时时鞭策自己努力实现理想。成功的商人,公司高层管理者中此星座最多,   代表名人——牛顿,达尔文、米开朗基罗、雍正、徐志摩。斯大林、 尼克松、鲁迅。毛泽东!李登辉,胡锦涛,王永庆。辜振甫。巩俐,姜文。周杰伦。费翔。齐秦。雅虎董事长杨致远!王永庆!Ebay总裁杰弗里·斯科尔?迪斯尼公司CEO罗伊·迪斯尼,金凯瑞。猫王埃尔维斯·普雷斯利,王石、荣智健。鲁冠球。   二!天蝎座---- 天王(阴王) 执着、计谋、果决! 有谋略,富洞悉事物重点的能力!果决。实际而热情。主观意见强!意志坚定,有毅力!一般人容易厌倦而逃避的事情、往往能坚忍固执的做下去,此星座的人常拥有权力!财富、名声和人所称羡的地位、天蝎座在世界重要人物中占5938有“之最”!总能在所处的领域里发挥到及至,   代表名人:——陆游。哥伦布,、居里夫人!毕加索!费洛伊德,约翰·施特劳斯(小)、泰戈尔,肯尼迪。罗斯福,孙中山、蒋介石。 彭德怀 。吴仪、赖斯!希拉里、查尔斯,戴高乐。比尔·盖茨,杰克·韦尔奇(通用电气CEO )、马拉多纳、 黛米·摩尔 、费雯丽。朱莉娅-罗伯茨,林青霞,郭富城、刘晓庆、张艺谋。。李安。潘石屹!宁高宁、马化腾,张朝阳、     三、狮子座——地王(阳王) 毅力 !战略! 气魄,天生的领导才能、喜欢指挥别人和有强大的组织能力,永远如这个世界舞台的主角、占据5039最惹眼的位置、流露灿烂的光芒 、是最具有权威感与支配能力的星座 ?做事相当独立、知道如何运用能力和权术以达到目的!有王者风范。   代表名人——武则天。拿破仑、戈尔巴乔夫 ,大仲马。小仲马!邓小平 、江泽民,马英九。普京、莫泊桑、李宁。克林顿,阿拉法特。阿诺德-施瓦辛格,王菲,宋祖英,麦当娜,惠特4185尼休斯敦?张惠妹!谭咏麟,李嘉诚!希尔顿·阿德尔森(美国娱乐饭店巨头)、量子基金创始人索罗斯,IBM的CEO萨缪尔·帕米沙诺。现役女超人郭雨、   四! 白羊座——孩子王 活力?实践、勇气、 一切事物的开始、属于领导型人物, 白羊5348座的人冲动、爱冒险,慷慨、天不怕地不怕?而且一旦下定决心、不到黄河心不死、排除万难的要达到目的!做开创式企业家的人最多, (星座www.meiguoshenpo.com)   代、

  • 双子座长大后最适合的职业是什么

      双子座最适合的职业Top 10Journalist 新闻记者Naturally nosy! Gemini will want to get to the bottom of any story or idea. This makes them perfect for the profession of journalist. They are wonderful writers、 and can engage the reader with a compelling voice. No stone will be left unturned and facts will be checked thoroughly. Some will literally go to the ends of the Earth to get a story. As children they probably had ink all over their hands or sore wrists from typing at the computer.Translator 翻译Gemini is very proficient in languages、 knowing at least two. They may have lived in foreign countries or at least have a fascination with them. These silver-tongued devils are very articulate and have a talent for the art of translation. They are able to glean the essence from one language into another with ease. They work rather quickly and think fast which is necessary for this career.Talk Show Host 脱口秀主持The natives of this sign love to talk? are lively and entertaining! and have a gift for the art of conversation. They are at home in many social situations and are never at a loss for words. This makes them naturals for the realm of broadcasting。 and in particular radio and television talk shows. The only challenge will be to know when to pause and let their guests get a word in. Gemini is a naturally curious individual、 who is constantly seeking to know and understand.Public Relations 公共关系Gemini is very agile at dodging bullets and creating spin. They can be manipulative and are talented at being the spokesperson. This makes a career in public relations perfect for them. If they have to organize a fundraising event or orchestrate a communications plan! they will multitask with flair and verve. Sometimes their heads spin completely out of control。 but somehow they manage to pull it all together.Novelist/Writer 小说家/作家A Gemini novelist would have to work very much alone! but this is a great path to take. They get very caught up in the world of ideas and storytelling. It's better to craft a novel or a work of creative non-fiction than resort to making up stories to tell around the water cooler. At the office they would be considered a sociopath、 but in the world of publishing! a brilliant writer. Gemini has an ear for conversation and gossip and will translate this into their work. Be careful what you reveal to a Gemini,Marketing Specialist 市场专员Whether tracking the buying habits of consumers or creating an ad campaign! this field is well suited to the big ideas of Gemini. They are fascinated by the behavior and habits of people! human nature, and statistics. If you want to know what colors will make you hungry and what scent will turn you into a hottie, ask a Gemini in this field. They are also very good at sales and presentations and the art of persuasion.Copywriter 广告策划Because Gemini understands the mind of the public so well。 they can write copy that is very effective. Their agility with words is second to none. They are able to convey in a few well chosen-phrases。 the essence of a product or an idea. Play on words is involved in this specialty area of advertising. Mercurial Gemini is able to pull concepts out of a hat and build a bull's-eye campaign. Most people would fear the blank page, but they consider it a challenge.Tour Guide 导游Gemini loves to ride at the front of the bus so they can talk to the bus driver。 so this job is a natural extension. They love to talk with their hands so they can easily point to landmarks and interesting sights along the way. In their spare time they can compile all kinds of interesting facts to entertain their travelers. Some prefer water travel! and work in theme parks and on tour boats. For Gemini natives who prefer to stay in one spot、 they can work in museums or historical sites as interpreters and guides. At any rate! they can indulge their gift of gab to baffle tourists.Impressionist 印象派作家The best impressionists are probably Gemini natives. They can take on the personality of just about anyone. Masters of a host of accents and a repertoire of faces。 they are able to amaze and entertain their friends for hours. To get paid for making fun of famous people would be almost perfect. They do it all the time anyway! why not make a living at it. All those years in school of mimicking their teachers and sitting in detention would be worth it after all.Teacher 老师This is the quintessential job for Gemini. They get to talk all day。 read papers、 or mark tests all night and pass on knowledge to young。 impressionable minds. They get to influence young children by making them learn all kinds of trivial facts. The kids will have to memorize poems that will stick with them for years。 and they will have to find the hypotenuse of a circle (whatever that is、)、 Gemini takes a certain amusement from making shy students face the class! and boisterous ones sit quietly.。

  • 梦到家里好多小鸡长大了

     9096 小心惹事、

  • 长安金牛星,油耗

      油耗、俗称汽车在行驶完100公里的耗油量?我们日常所说的油耗,一般指等速油耗,等速油耗(Constant-Speed Fuel Economy) 是指汽车在良好路面上作等速行驶时的燃油经济性指标。由于等速行驶是汽车在公路上运行的一种基本工况。加上容易测定,所以得到广泛采用。不过,由于汽车在实际行驶中经常出现加速!减速!制动和发动机怠速等多种工作情况、因此等速油耗往往偏低!与实际油耗有较大差别!   部分车型会通过汽车电脑计算并显示有平均油耗和实时油2949耗的电子数据,如果没有,也可以通过简易的办法粗略计算油耗!。刘星做梦长大了、梦见自己家养的猪长大了