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  • 梦见我的英语考了98分


  • 梦到语文考了99.5英语考了99意味着什么


  • 梦见放学后在学校门口买东西

      你好放学了。校门口热闹非凡。学生们叽叽喳喳的涌出了校门。刺眼的太阳把每给人的脸都喷红了。每个人脸上都洋溢着欢乐的笑声,“铃、铃!铃”的车声就可以看到家长是多么关心自己的孩子。不管是男的!女的、老的!少的,他们都伸长脖子向校园张望着,接到孩子的家长、满面春风的回家了,  大约堵了5分左右、马路渐渐的通了。放学后!只有剩下那些没有人接的孩子!在小摊了一些食物边走边吃、因为今天是星期五!不要回家做作业!可以慢慢的品味食物的美味。  就这样热闹的学校顿时变得安静起来了、只有等到星期一才能恢复热闹的场面、满意请采纳!

  • 饮料玻璃水瓶用英语怎么说

      饮料玻璃水4637瓶   翻译:   Beverage glass bottle!

  • 梦到自己去当群众演员


  • 关于秋天的英语五行诗

      To Autumn   Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,   Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun,   Conspiring with him how to load and bless   With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;   秋颂   雾气洋溢。果实圆熟的秋!   你和成熟的太阳成为友伴,   你们密谋用累累的珠球!   缀满茅屋檐下的葡萄藤蔓。、

  • 周公解梦经常梦见考英语很多不会做也很着急!


  • 梦到自己带手套


  • 英语五行诗关于电脑的

      computer   convenient expensive   playing learning chatting   improve people's living conditions   fabulous   这样可以吗!

  • 2010年六级考研真题作文,越来越多的人关心星座,请写一个关于星座的英语利弊的六级作文 5分

      For confident Gemini speaking, he is also very insecure, this is Gemini peculiar contradiction. He likes to keep himself inundated with live, not let myself be exposed. For Gemini speaking, if in a still don't know the expose yourself before, was equal to let others grasp his challenger. So they lost certain advantages. When Gemini feel dugu sad, will only a person hide in the room cry, or a man depressed.     Gemini also very be afraid to be hurt, many times myself to bear all, also do not wish others grab his challenger. So as time passes also has a habit. Gemini basically also is a very painful. On the surface is always very energetic and happy appearance, but nobody when he is always very sad. Gemini is always a sense of sorrow over. But he won't let others discovered, he feared to be hurt, also afraid of being abandoned, can oneself dull color.gives everything. So Gemini very nervous, spirit fragile, easily split personality, because have suffered a lot of things.     Generally speaking twin children are premature. Gemini for many things are care about desperately, but on the surface is looks don't care about anything. Gemini doesn't mean to disguise themselves, it says, this is a kind of habit, but in the stranger seems he became false man.     Gemini is known to be the most flower heart, the most ruthless of the zodiac. Actually to Gemini's flower heart, don't really want to know what to say. Explain too much, tired, and impatient. But speaking of Gemini......余下全文>>!梦到在学英语、梦到语文考了99.5英语考了99意味着什么