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  Aquarius 水瓶座 Scorpio 天蝎 Libra 天秤座 Virgo 处女座 Leo 狮子座 Cancer 巨蟹座   Capricorn 摩羯座 Sagittarius 射手座 Taurus 金牛座 Aries 白羊座   Gemini 双子座   黄道十二宫中的第三宫是双子宫。英语叫“Gemini”!在拉丁语中是双胞胎的意思。有一个5171歌唱组合叫做“简迷离”!就是取自双子座的名字、希腊神话中有一个著名的Castor和Pollux兄弟的典故!在一次搏斗中!Castor被杀!Pollux不愿比哥哥长寿、请求Zeus赐死、Zeus被他们的手足之情感动了!于是把他们变为天上的双子星座永远相伴,这两兄弟在英语中有一个合称。叫做“Dioscuri”,我们可以说:“Castor is one of the Dioscuri.”,“Castor”在天文学术语中叫做“北河二”、是双子星座双星中的一颗、并且是这组星中最明亮的。距地球约46光年。“Pollux”则叫做“北河三”,是双子星座中的一颗亮星、!




  Leo   ['li:əu]   n. 狮子(用于儿童故事寓言等)?[天文]狮子座、利奥(男子名)、


  水瓶座 Aquarius (1/20 - 2/18)   守护神:雅典娜(Athena),也叫自由神弥涅尔瓦(Minerva)、     白羊座 Aries (3/21 - 4/20)   守护神:战神赫拉克勒斯(Hercules)     巨蟹座 Cancer (6/22 - 7/22)   守护神:月神塞勒涅(Selene)     处女座 Virgo (8/23 - 9/22)   守护神:圣洁神艾斯特莱雅(Astraea)     金牛座 Taurus (4/21 - 5/20)   守护神:财神克瑞斯(Ceres)     摩羯座 Capricorn (12/22 - 1/19)   守护神:权神伏尔甘(Vulcan)     射手座 Sagittarius (11/22 - 12/21)   守护神:天神朱庇特(Jupiter)(宙斯)     狮子座 Leo (7/23 - 8/22)   守护神:日神福玻斯(Phoebus)     双鱼座 Pisces (2/19 - 3/20)   守护神:爱神阿芙洛狄忒(Aflodit)、罗马名(维纳斯)     双子座 Gemini (5/21 - 6/21)   守护神:智神墨丘利(Mercury)     天秤座 Libra (9/23 - 10/22)   守护神:正义神忒弥斯(Themis)     天蝎座 Scorpio (10/23 - 11/21)   守护神:冥王哈迪斯(Hades),


  clocks, photos, plants, bicycles, water bottles   钟。照片,植物。自行车。水瓶水瓶英8401文怎么写、


  ● ecliptic is the ninth constellation Sagittarius, he was represented by well-known fairy tales and a half man, half horse blame. The pursuit of knowledge and new challenges, love music adventure tourism is the main characteristic of the constellation. Sagittarius is a moment of the evening in late September, near the horizon in the South can see that it is holding with the Galaxy Scorpio distant relative, for the formation of the arrows in the shape of the arch. Basically, they never warm and rest. Sagittarius sun through the date of 11/23 to 12/21, is the cold winter season, Sagittarius people like his personality than the fierce wind blowing like fast, like like Arrows by leaps and bounds.   麻烦采纳、谢谢!!

主宰自己的命运 英文

  Dominate your destiny。


  你好、很高兴为你解答这就是你的命运That's your destiny,This is your fate.重点词汇就是quite right; exactly; even if; even; namely命运fate; destiny; fortune; kisme双语例句以下例句来源于网络!仅供参考这儿有灯!但1150没有一丝火焰&这就是你的命运?我的心啊、There is the lamp but never a flicker of a flame,& is such thy fate, my heart!希望对你有帮助,


  翻译:   He has a bottle of water   望采纳,,、



