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十二生肖 的英文

  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs 或   12 symbolic animals     十二生肖的英文表达     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous. 亥猪,


  十二生肖   12 Chinese Zodiac Signs / 12 symbolic animals     十二生肖的英文表达:     Rat charm, 子鼠     Ox patient, 丑牛     Tiger sensitive, 寅虎     Rabbit articulate, 卯兔     Dragon healthy, 辰龙     Snake deep, 巳蛇     Horse popular, 午马     Goat elegant, 未羊     Monkey clever, 申猴     Rooster deep thinkers, 酉鸡     Dog loyalty, 戌狗     Pig chivalrous.範亥猪     望采纳~,


  Never stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl, lay them on your dish instead.Make sure the spout of the teapot is not facing anyone. It is impolite to set the teapot down where the spout is facing towards somebody.Don't tap on your bowl with your chopsticks, since that will be deemed insult to the host or the chef. Never try to turn a fish over and debone it yourself, since the separation of the fish skeleton from the lower half of the flesh will usually be performed by the host or a waiter.When your mouth is full of food, do not sneeze towards others. You could not point at others with chopsticks when you talk to others. It is impolite to stick your chopsticks into the food. And you are allowed to pick up your bowls to eat.中国十二生肖英文!


  上个星期我想去看他的电影,《十二生肖》英文:   Last week I wanted to see his film 《the twelve Chinese zodiac sign》。


  鼠:无牙   牛:运粮   虎:山君   兔:捣药    龙:四灵之首   蛇:食鹿神君   马: 虎妻(踏雪)   羊:叱石   猴:献果   鸡:司晨   狗:迎客   猪:黑面、






   fate desnity、


  轩辕黄帝要选十二动物担任宫廷卫士、猫托老鼠报名!结果9733老鼠忘了?猫就错过日期,从此猫见老鼠就寻仇!原本推牛为首,结果老鼠偷偷爬上牛背占先机、鼠排第一,牛为第二、虎和龙不服气!被封为山神和海神,排在鼠和牛的后面,这下兔子又不服、要和龙赛跑!兔子又跑到龙前面,狗又不乐意。一气之下咬伤兔子、被罚到了倒8731数第一,蛇、马、羊、猴,鸡之间还经过一番较量!到最后。猪又跑来,狗又成倒数第二了、   上述传说还解释生肖为何无猫。其实,远古中国并没有猫!家猫的故乡在非洲苏丹,1482后来传入埃及。由埃及传到中国。其时生肖早已形成,   这个传说故事,远不是对问题的科学解释、反映了人们解释十二生肖的愿望、、


  大家都说信则有不信则无。但我认为,不管你信不信都不能抹除一个物种在这世上存在过的痕迹!龙在古代是呼风唤雨的存在、可能是因为呼风唤雨太过迷信!而在提倡科学是时代里。迷信是不能存在的。所以大家都在不承认龙、我曾在网上看到有人说“既然龙不存在为什么要在十二生肖的其他都存在、却要安排一个不存在的呢!”以上只是在下的一点看法,并无宣传迷信之意,   另外迷信真不可取?

