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Twelve Constellations (12星座): 1.Aquarius水瓶座 2.Pisces双鱼座 3.Aries白羊座 4.Taurus金牛座 5.Gemini双子座 6.Cancer巨蟹座 7.Leo狮子座 8.Virgo处女座 9.Libra天秤座 10.Scorpio天蠍座 11.Sagittarius射手座 12.Capricorn山羊座? !,


  白羊座女孩特点之一:白羊座女孩性格也很奇怪,有时候超爱说话,有时候可以一天不说话,高兴的时候,会拼命的说话,不高兴的时候,一句话也不说、 白羊座5303喜欢孤单,又害怕孤单! 白羊座女孩很少会敌视别人,很重视友情,不懂甜言蜜语,不屑拍马屁 本能的排斥虚伪和做作的人! 她们并不会真的发火!   白羊的忍耐很恐怖,明明已经到极限了,还要骸起笑脸,把自己的感受放最后,近乎没有知觉的去撑起朋友之间的友谊桥梁.对于普通的朋友,觉得没有倾诉的必要,对于交心的知己,却又不想矫情的说太多,到后来,所有的情绪都积压在自己心底,难道最后白羊等来的,是所有理智崩盘、毁灭的那一刻?   白羊的感情很直接很确定。恋爱中的他会觉得你是他的,白羊也绝0312对是热情的海洋!舍得给你花钱,但如果有发现你欺骗他,只要是谎言,就会让他对你的感情产生变化、2515白羊座的男人俊俏女人漂亮。有些自恋、与白羊恋爱。你要学会说贴心话,一口一口甜到他心里、白羊座算是很好5802哄的一个星座了!   暂且先这么回答你吧,白羊太多小性格了!我也是白羊女。!


  Aires’s origin (3/21--4/19) In an ancient remote state, king and the empress divorces because of the disposition disagreement, again and has taken another female, what a pity this new empress inborn is good at envying, is unable to endure king pair of children who stays behind to the ex-wife to dote on in every possible way, therefore the evil plot forms gradually in her brain. Spring approaches, also will arrive the sowing seeds cultivation season, the new empress will fry the ripe wheat, transmits farmer who did not know the circumstances of the matter for the nation. Has already been thoroughly ripe wheat, regardless of how waters, applies fertilizer, certainly all is unable to send buds. Farmer who is kept in the dark, hundred thinks does not have its solution. The new empress on in this time, the dissemination related wheat swings the word, refers calls the wheat the reason that to be unable to germinate, is because this country has received the curse, but receives the curse all is because of the prince and princess's evil thought, has caused the day anger, causes the deity to the country the punishment. An individuality simple and honorable farmer tin, day! This also had! Because of the evil prince and princess, the national people all will sink into in the poor hungry abyss, this will be a how fearful matter! Very quickly, each place no matter the men and women, the whole families, all identically request king certainly to want to execute the prince ......余下全文>>!


  Aquarius 水瓶座 Scorpio 天蝎 Libra 天秤座 Virgo 处女座 Leo 狮子座 Cancer 巨蟹座   Capricorn 摩羯座 Sagittarius 射手座 Taurus 金牛座 Aries 白羊座   Gemini 双子座   黄道十二宫中的第三宫是双子宫,英语叫“Gemini”。在拉丁语中是储胞胎的意思,有一个歌唱组合叫做“简迷离”!就6440是取自双子座的名字、希腊神话中有一个著名的Castor和Pollux兄弟的典故。在一次搏斗中,Castor被杀。Pollux不愿比哥哥长寿,请求Zeus赐死。Zeus被他们的手足之情感动了!于是把他们变为天上的双子星座永远相伴。这两兄弟在英语中有一个合称,叫做“Dioscuri”,我们可以说:“Castor is one of the Dioscuri.”。“Castor”在天文学术语中叫做“北河二”!是双子星座8719双星中的一颗,并且是这组星中最明亮的。距地球约46光年!“Pollux”则叫做“北河三”!是双子星座中的一颗亮星!!


  英文。   My mother's zodiac sign is a snake.白羊座的性格特点英文?




6292  白羊座女生性格,超热情起来仿佛遇到救命恩人,冷漠起来眼皮都懒得抬!   冲动起来仿佛没带大脑!理智起来6357象只冷血动物,   爱得狂热起来连呼吸都忘了,冷淡起来对方的存在都可以忽略不计,   幼稚起来可以去读幼儿园,深沉起来可以媲美哲学家、   疯狂起来可以把天捣塌下来。安静起来可以消失在空气中、   粗心起来鞋子都可以穿反,细心起来可以把别人感动到流鼻涕眼泪!   坚强起来走在刀尖上都不会哭。软弱起来连个决定都要问别人!   无私起来心都想掏出来给人家!自私起来可以和小P孩抢棒棒糖,     白羊简单但绝不单纯,她们只是喜欢把简单的一面表现出来而已,真正的悲伤痛苦、除非你是她生命中最重要的那个人、否则。你永远都看不到,或许在某个阴暗的角落,在你看不清她的表情的时候、她的脸上会闪过一丝落寞与忧伤!她们貌似冒失。其实很细心,她有时也很虚伪!不要指责她,她之所以选择虚伪、那是你勉强她做她不愿做但又拒绝不了的事,她不懂得拒绝、她最擅长的是难为自己,她不想你难过!只好令自己难过、她总是固执地认为自己有超乎寻常的承受力,她将自己想得太坚强!而把别人想得太脆弱。她老是担心自己的行为会让别人受到伤害,她不知道,受伤的其实是自己、只是她不知道如何表现出来,她迷糊得像别人所认为的那样、将自己当成一个百毒不侵的人!别以为她0433很洒脱。很多时候,她其实是放不下的!她比任何人都要敏感,都要细腻、但她不会让你知道、她明白、即使你知道了。也是无济于事!     尤其注意的是!白羊爱你,但是你深深的伤了她的心无论她在有多麽爱你!都无济3431于事壹分开就是老死不相往来。白羊对待每一份感情都很认真的!不是敷衍了事的、她和你在一起就是真的想和你在一起,如果你们最终无法幸福!如果是因为她的话,就不要怪她,因为她会离开你是因为不爱你!或许曾经爱!后来不爱、或许想试着爱上、但做不到!如果失恋了、那时候平静的白羊却是很难过的!因为内心已是泪雨滂沱!尽管看起来跟平时没两样!她们太会伪装了、也太爱伪装了。装坚强。装伟大。装的无坚不摧!其实,她们的心是最易碎的。而且是最难复原的,因为倔强的人一旦付出!便是倾尽所有!要知道。在爱情里。倾尽所有的人得不到幸福,就会彻底崩溃,4643白羊也会崩溃!只是外表起伏不大,而内心怕是早已沧桑!     白羊会做浪漫的事。但并不擅长说甜言蜜语,尤其是白羊女,因为白羊女性格偏男生,不习惯更不喜欢!她们觉得那样做实在很矫情,另外、白羊还6470很爱哭,她们一般是静静的哭,而且不让人察觉,如果你不是一天24小时关注她。你根本就不会知道!这个现在疯狂打闹的丫头她刚刚哭过。白羊座的人就是这么令人觉得她开朗而热情。即使她内心是有那么一点害羞,表面上仍可以很自在!大方。当一头白羊愁眉苦脸时?只会出现在她家镜子中!她再伤心、就是不会在别人面摆出苦旦脸,好强,可以这么说,谁不好强呢。其实白羊座的人仍会向朋友吐苦水!但真正的眼泪。你是看不到的,一群朋友、开开心心的。在阳光下嬉耍,是白羊座最怀念的美好时光、     爱就是爱。恨就是恨、不过白羊、对「恨」这个字眼没多大兴趣!她是不爱0254就是不爱而已,在爱情上、白羊是相当乾脆的。不喜0596拖泥带水!属於行动派、要求立见真章、她们最不能忍受一厢情愿。凡是白羊决定不要的东西!绝9220不会再捡回来,否则她无颜面对自己、不吃回头草。也是白羊座人好强的证据!由於白羊座对爱情具有童话格、要求纯洁、唯一与童稚心的恋情,与旧情人复燃爱曲当然是白羊座不屑的、白羊座的性格!可用一句话每坚强来代表。不论面对任何事情。都会全力以赴白羊的羊角正可用来说明这种个性、精力旺盛。活力充沛的星座。性格与爱情多数“横冲直撞”!但纯真的个性里没有杀伤力、所以......余下全文>>、




  白羊座女生性格特点是激情荡漾的。酷爱自由、争辩精神很强,她喜欢针锋相对和竭力为维护自己的看法而辩解,这是一个富有战斗精神的解放了的女性,直言不讳,敢于进击、不怕挫折!但性格中缺少温柔的成分, 同时,白羊座女生性格特点里面是个性很强的!当激情满怀时,她无法自控!甚至毫不犹豫地去追求自己所钟情的男性,一般地说!她不喜欢处于被男性追求的地位!白羊座女生性格特点里面有一点让男性头疼、她不愿充当家庭主妇的角色!即便是、也要听她发号施令!她希望生活的脉搏能按照她的节奏跳动!她总是想做一些令人难以置信?但她完全有能力做到的事情。如果不让她到实践中去“折腾”,她的情绪和身体就会受到影响、如果她的丈夫能在事业上与她携手共进,她将会表现出非凡的才能。但是!要立足在平等的基础上、白羊座女生性格特点是这些。那么什么星座的6628男性能够赢得她的喜爱呢?天秤座!尤其是生辰星位在此座的男性,会赢得白羊女性的好感,她能使他服从自己的意愿;反之!他也能使她变得温情脉脉;和人马座的男性相逢、他们会情意绵绵,这个宽宏大量的同舟之友会与她那紧迫的生活节奏同步;和狮子座的男性结为伴侣,有助于实现她事业上和生活上的美好愿望,白羊座女生性格特点基本就是以上这些。总的来说白羊座女生性格特点四个字:激情荡漾?!


  In Chinese astrology each individual personality is associated with an animal sign that represents it. It is a common misconception that there are only the singular animals assigned by year. Many western descriptions of Chinese astrology descriptions draw solely on this system. In fact, there are also animal signs assigned by month and hours of the day. The animal signs assigned by year represent what others perceive you as being or how you present yourself. The full 60 year cycle is a combination of the 12 animals with each of five possible elements, which distinctively vary the base animal's personality (12 x 5 = 60). The inner animal speaks directly to what motivates a person and is assigned by the month of birth. Since this dictates your love life and inner persona it is critical to a proper understanding of your compatibility with other signs. The secret animal is assigned by the hour of birth and so it is important to know the exact time of birth to determine it correctly. It is your own true sign which your personality is based on. It is important to compensate for daylight saving time or any clock adjustment performed by your country in determining this sign, as it is mapped according to the sun's location and not the local time. To sum it up, while a person might appear to be a dragon they might actually be a snake internally and an ox secretively. Combined with the five elements, this makes for 8 640 possible combinations (five elements, 12 animals, 12 months, 12 times of day) that a person might be. These are all are critical for the proper use of Chinese astrology. Many Western displays of the Chinese zodiac omit these, as well as the elements, for easier consumption and understanding. The 12 zodiac animalsThe following are the twelve zodiac signs in order. The first symbol is simply the name of the animal written in Chinese, while the second symbol is the character specifically used in astrology to denote the animal sign.鼠 子 Rat 牛 丑 Ox 虎 寅 Tiger 兔 卯 Rabbit 龙 辰 Dragon 蛇 巳 Snake 马 午 Horse羊 未 Sheep 猴 申 Monkey 鸡 酉 Rooster 狗 戌 Dog 猪 亥 PigLegend describes the order of the zodiac was determined through a race, in which the rat cheated by standing on the ox's head and jumping ahead of him when they reached the finish line. 2 The Zodiac is part of an elaborate and laborious system based on Chinese astronomy, cosmology, and divination. It was used as a method for counting years, months, days and hours in the Chinese imperial court and civil calendar, and as a system for forecasting one's future and determining one's character. Although replaced in modern times by the Gregorian calendar, the Zodiac is still used today (unofficially) as a popular method of divination in many Asian and Western nations. Furthermore, the Zodiac is the preeminent calendar of old-world Asia. Its 60-year (sexagenary) cycle is still of crucial importance to modern art historians, for it helps them pinpoint the date of artwork made in much earlier times. Most scholars believe the Chinese Zodiac originated sometime before 1100 BC, well before the Historical Buddha's birth in India around 500 BC. The system grew more elaborate and complex over the centuries, but its importance in China ensured its acceptance elsewhere, and thus it greatly influenced and colored the subsequent development of Buddhist traditions throughout Asia. In China, where Buddhism was introduced in the 1st & 2nd centuries AD, the 12 Zodiac animals became associated with Buddhism's 12 Heavenly Generals as early as the Sui Dynasty (581-618 AD). When Buddhism arrived in Japan in the mid-6th century AD, the Japanese eagerly imported both the Buddhist teachings and the Zodiac calendar -- the calendar was officially adopted in 604 AD. In Japan, the Zodiac calendar is known as Kanshi or Eto (干支 | えと), and the 12 animals of the Zodiac are known as the Juuni Shi (十二支). The Zodiac's popularity in Japan peaked during the Edo Era (1600-1868 AD), by which time each of the 12 animals were commonly associated with one of eight Buddhist patron deities. At many Japanese temples even today, visitors can still purchase small protective amulets or carvings of their patron Buddhist-Zodiac deity!

